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Belgian researchers - Paleoclimate

Heirman, Katrien
PhD student

During my dissertation the palaeoclimate bug bit me and this encouraged me to enlarge my knowledge of the last 2 million years of the earth history, a climatically very changeable and challenging period. This finally resulted in the start of my PhD on climate change in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions for the past 20 000 years in October 2006. I will approach this challenge by studying the sedimentary infill lake basins using high-resolution seismic reflection techniques and the sedimentary characteristics lake sediments.


  • Research programme:
    • SD : Antarctica VI
  • Research group: Universiteit Gent (UG) – Renard Centre of Marine Geology
  • Research projects:
    • Holocene climate variability and ecosystem change in coastal East and Maritime Antarctica (HOLANT)
  • Related activities: -

List of publications

Peer reviewed papers

Moernaut, J., De Batist, M., Francois, C., Heirman, K., Chapron, E., Pino, M., Brümmer, R. and Urrutia, R. in press. Giant earthquakes in South-Central Chile revealed by Holocene mass-wasting events in Lake Puyehue. Sedimentary Geology

Master dissertations

Heirman, K., 2005. Reconstructie van de deglaciatie-geschiedenis in het gebied van Lago Puyehue, zuidelijk Chili, aan de hand van seismische profielen en veldwaarnemingen. M.Sc. dissertation, Ghent University, 167 pp

Heirman, K., 2006. Early to Middle Pleistocene sedimentology and stratigraphy at Flixton, northern Suffolk, UK. M.Sc. dissertation, Royal Holloway University of London, 73pp


Heirman, K., 2005. Seismic Stratigraphy of Lago Puyehue, South-Central Chile. International workshop on “Marine and continenal paleoclimate records in Chile and Argentina”. Ghent, 27-28 May 2005

Complementary resources


Heirman Katrien
Vakgroep Geologie en bodemkunde (WE13)
Krijgslaan 281 S8 - 9000 Gent
Fax: +32 9 264 49 88

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