01-12-2024 | Pre-announcement

Pre-announcement 5th DEFRA Call
BELSPO and the RHID will launch the 5th call in the frame of the Defence-related Research Action DEFRA.
To inform potential applicants about the context, scope and modalities of this call and to offer them network opportunities, an information day will be held on Wednesday 22 January 2025 (08h30 – 16h30) at the Royal Military Academy.

28-10-2024 | NGCAT Information briefing on knowledge security and security clearances

The RHID will organise an information briefing on knowledge security, more specific on the topic of security clearances. The event will take place on Monday morning 25 November 2024. Registration is mandatory. Registrations after 18 November 2024 will not be accepted.

28-10-2024 | NGCAT call: adapted calendar

The timeline of activities for the NGCAT call has been modified. However, the foreseen timing for the signature of contracts and start of project activities has not been impacted.

18-09-2024 | DEFRA Meeting

We are pleased to announce the first DEFRA meeting, which will take place on Monday 14 October 2024 in the afternoon. This event will be an opportunity to present the results of the survey on the programme’s modalities and to provide an overview of the themes for the DEFRA 2025 call.
Join us for an afternoon of discovery, discussion and networking. Registration is now open. We hope to see many of you at the Royal Military Academy (RMA) on 14 October!

28-06-2024 | Pre-announcement

Pre-announcement DEFRA GATHERING
On Monday 14 October 2024, in the afternoon, the first DEFRA gathering will be held.
Purpose is to present the results of the survey on the modalities of the programme to the DEFRA community. You will also get a preview of the themes of the 2025 DEFRA call.
An excellent opportunity to strengthen your network…
Registration will be open in the beginning of September. We hope to see you @ the RMA on 14/10!

29-04-2024 | Call

NGCAT call
We’re pleased to announce that the thematic call for research and development proposals in the field of Next Generation Combat Air Technologies (NGCAT) is officially open
All information is available on the NGCAT website. Expressions of Interest can be submitted via the online submission platform. Deadline is 7 June 2024, 14h00.
We recommend you to start preparing your proposal on the online submission platform as soon as possible.
An information day will take place 7 May 2024 at the Royal Military Academy in Brussels. Registration is mandatory. You can register until 1 May 2024, 16h00.

19-04-2024 | Pre-announcement

Pre-announcement NGCAT Call
Recognizing the importance of air combat capabilities in the context of fostering a European strategic autonomy and considering the strong position of the Belgian Defence Technological and Industrial Base (BDTIB) in the aeronautical sector, Belgium has prioritized investment in Next Generation Combat Aircraft Technologies as one of its 15 strategic technological domains under the Defence, Industry and Research Strategy (DIRS).
In alignment with this strategy, the Belgian Government is exploring to participate in the German, French, Spanish Next Generation Weapon System / Future Air Combat System (NGWS/FCAS) development programme.
Subject to the approval by the Council of Ministers, the Royal Higher Institute for Defence (RHID), in cooperation with the Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO), will launch a thematic call for research and development proposals in the field of Next Generation Combat Air Technologies (NGCAT) to effectively position the BDTIB for these collaborative development opportunities.
This specific NGCAT call aims to provide Belgian stakeholders the opportunity to explore and develop technologies that could add value to the development of next-generation air combat capabilities in general, and to the German, French, and Spanish NGWS/FCAS programme in particular.
The R&D call encompasses 4 technology domains:
- Structures and associated subsystems
- Propulsion and accessories
- Communication, cyber, avionics, embedded sensors and networks
- Transversal disruptive enabling technologies
An information day will be held on 7 May 2024, starting at 13h30 at the Royal Military Academy.
More information on the programme and the registration form are available on the DEFRA website.

21-12-2023 | Call

4th DEFRA Call is now officially open

We’re pleased to announce that the fourth call for proposals of the Defence-related Research Action (DEFRA) is officially open.
All information is available on the DEFRA website. Pre-proposals can be submitted via the online submission platform. Deadline is Deadline is 22 February 2024, 14h.
We recommend you to start preparing your proposal on the online submission platform as soon as possible.
An information day will take place 25 January 2024 at the Royal Military Academy in Brussels. Registration is mandatory. You can register until 15 January 2024.

19-10-2023 | Pre-announcement

Pre-announcement 4th DEFRA Call
BELSPO and the RHID will launch the 4th call in the frame of the Defence-related Research Action DEFRA.
To inform potential applicants about the context, scope and modalities of this call and to offer them network opportunities, an information day will be held on Thursday 25 January 2024 (09h00 – 16h30) at the Royal Military Academy.
More information on the programme and registration modalities will become available at the end of November 2023.

07-02-2023 | Call

Third Call 2023
We’re pleased to announce that the third call of the Defence-related Research Action (DEFRA) is now officially open. All information is available on the DEFRA website. Pre-proposals can be submitted via the online submission platform.
Deadline is 16 March 2023, 14h. We recommend you to start preparing you proposal on the online submission platform as soon as possible.
A physical information session will be organised on 13 February at 14h00 at the Royal Military Academy in Brussels. Registration is mandatory. You can register until 10 February 2023, 12h00.

19-01-2023 | Pre-announcement

Third Call 2023

The Council of Minister has approved the Defence Science and Technology Programme for 2023, including the third DEFRA call. The third DEFRA call will be launched on 7 February 2023.
A specific information session on the third call will take place on 13 February 2023. The DEFRA team will explain the objectives, themes and practical modalities of this third call for proposals for researchers from both the public and private sectors. Registration is required.

04-04-2022 | Call

2nd DEFRA call is now officially open!
On 1st April 2022, the Council of Minister has approved the Defence Science and Technology Research Programme, including DEFRA. Thus, the second call for proposals is now officially open.

29-03-2022 | Call

2nd DEFRA call is now officially open!
On 1st April 2022, the Council of Minister has approved the Defence Science and Technology Research Programme, including DEFRA. Thus, the second call for proposals is now officially open.

04-02-2022 | Pre-announcement

Pre-announcement 2nd DEFRA Call
Subject to approval by the Council of Ministers, the 2nd call for proposals of the Defence-related Research Action, DEFRA, will be open on 1 March 2022. Four themes will be covered.
More information on these themes is available...
An online information session will be organised on 10 March 2022 at 14h00.

13-12-2021 | Protocole d’accord

Signature d’un protocole d’accord entre la Défense et la Politique scientifique fédérale
Lundi 13 décembre, la Ministre de la Défense Ludivine Dedonder et le Secrétaire d’Etat chargé de la Politique scientifique Thomas Dermine ont signé un protocole d’accord confirmant la coopération à long terme entre la Défense et la Politique scientifique fédérale (BELSPO). En même temps, les trois premiers projets du nouveau programme de recherche conjoint Defence-related Research Action (DEFRA) ont été présentés.
En savoir plus...

13-12-2021 | Protocolakkoord

Protocolakkoord ondertekend tussen Defensie en Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid
Op maandag 13 december ondertekenden de minister van Defensie Ludivine Dedonder en staatssecretaris belast met Wetenschapsbeleid Thomas Dermine een protocolakkoord dat de lange termijnsamenwerking tussen Defensie en het Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid (BELSPO) bevestigt. Meteen werden ook de eerste drie projecten van het nieuwe gemeenschappelijk onderzoeksprogramma Defence-related Research Action (DEFRA) voorgesteld.
Lees meer...

12-02-2021 | Calendar of the first call

The first DEFRA call will be open on 1 March 2021. The call will be operated as a two-steps procedure. In a first step, pre-proposals must be submitted on 22 April 2021, 14h00 at the latest. For each theme, maximum 5 pre-proposals will be invited to submit a full proposal on 30 June 2021, 14h00. The selection of projects will be communicated in October 2021, with conclusion of contracts in December 2021.

10-2020 | Protocol agreement

The Director-General of RHID and the President a.i. of BELSPO have signed the Protocol agreement on a collaboration to realize a call within the framework of the Scientific and Technological Research Program of Defense; both have got the official approval of their respective minister.