Database of research projects FEDRA

Within the Belgian Federal Government's jurisdictional framework, the Belgian Science Policy Office implements national and international multiannual research actions with a view to consolidate Belgium's scientific and technological potential.

FEDRA is a database of research actions funded by the Belgian Office. It is aimed at a broad user audience: scientists, policy-makers, social partners, companies, etc.

FEDRA offers various options for consulting the database. Information searches are possible on the basis of:

  • a word or an expression
  • the name of the specific research partner or institution
  • the name of the research action
  • the theme of the research action
  • the industrial innovation sector, the academic discipline or the area of Federal Policy competence where the action takes place


FEDRA options for consulting

Scientific responsible

Laurence Burnotte

with the collaboration of:
Laurent Ghys
Federal, Interfederal and International Co-ordination

Data processing responsible

Didier Termont