Call for proposals
P4Science call 2024-2025
The call is focussed on supporting and reinforcing scientific excellence of the Federal Scientific Institutions (FSI) around 5 priorities:
Fifth DEFRA Call
The Council of Ministers has approved the Defence Science and Technology Programme for 2025, including the fifth DEFRA call.
The fifth call of the DEFRA programme covers the following research themes
Call for proposals
Call for proposals 2024-2025 Science4Policy programme: policy-driven projects
The call for proposals in the frame of the Science4Policy research programme is now open!
This call is open to the entire Belgian scientific community (universities, colleges, universities of applied sciences, public research centres, non-profit organizations having the pursuit of scientific research in their statutes). The closing of the call is set on October 10.
With the support of Belgium, Italy, Malta and Ireland, JPI Oceans aims to advance scientific knowledge and methodologies supporting the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) implementation through process-based approaches to environmental status assessment.
Deadline for submitting proposals: 01.04.2025 - 17:00 CET
Fourth call for proposals
Research programme for earth observation "STEREO IV" (Support to the exploitation and Research in Earth Observation)
This call concerns thematic network projects.
Research Programmes - Aeronautic
State aid for Research, Development and Innovation within the aeronautics sector
The Federal Aeronautics Platform is a close partnership between the PPS Science Policy and the FPS Economy responsible for supporting the participation of Belgian industry in aeronautics programmes at federal level. The Federal Aeronautics Platform finances the development costs or "Non Recurring Costs" (NRC) associated with industrial projects by means of reimbursable advances, in accordance with European regulations.
Within this framework, the PPS Science Policy is responsible for the scientific and technical management of the dossiers and the FPS Economy for the economic, financial and accounting management.
Space Research & Applications
Programma PRODEX
The PROgramme for the Development of scientific EXperiments (PRODEX) is a programme of the European Space Agency (ESA) to which Belgium, as Member State of ESA, has been participating since June 1988.
Permanent funding scheme
Starting Independent Researcher Grant
European Research Council (ERC)
Support up-and-coming researchers who are about to establish or consolidate an independent research team or to start conducting independent research in Europe.
Website ERC
Federal contactpoint for the European Framework Programme
NCP Federal BE
NCP Federal BE inform about the latest developments in Horizon Europe, help finding suitable project partners or joining a consortium, support in preparing a project proposal and give feedback on project proposals.
Website NCP Federal BE
Calls for Tenders related to the Directorate-General for Research & Innovation.
EU-DG Research & Innovation
Find current and upcoming funding opportunities for your research, as well as research partners, jobs and fellowships. Learn about research projects and results, joint research initiatives and EU action to promote innovation.
Website European Commission
European Cooperation in Science and Technology
COST: Open call
COST invites researchers throughout Europe to submit proposals for research networks and use this unique opportunity to exchange knowledge and to embark on new European perspectives. A continuous Open Call for Proposals is used to attract the best proposals for new COST Actions.
Website COST Belgium
Website COST
European Space Agency
esa-star Publication
The esa-star Publication System portal of the European Space Agency presents the calls from ESA but also from industry, research centres and European national agencies.
Website Doing Business with ESA
Hodge fellowships at the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques in Bures-sur-Yvette (IHES)
The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and IHES annually offer two 1-year fellowships under the name of Sir William Hodge, the eminent British mathematician whose main interests were in the fields of algebraic and differential geometry. The fellowships will enable outstanding young mathematicians and theoretical physicists to spend some time at IHES.
Website IHES
Academia Belgica - Center for History, Arts and Sciences in Rome
Since the end of 2018, the Academia Belgica, the Belgian Historical Institute of Rome and the Princess Marie-José National Foundation have united their respective fields of action and joined forces in a public utility foundation called "Academia Belgica - Center for History, Arts and Sciences in Rome". Each year, this 'new' institution will propose a number of research fellowships in Italy. These scholarships are awarded from the funds, as appropriate, of the Federal Authority (Academia Belgica's own budget), the Flemish Community (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek) or the French Community (Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles).
Website Academia Belgica
Recruitment tool
EURAXESS, European portal for Mobile researchers
EURAXESS Jobs is a stress-free recruitment tool where no charges apply. Researchers can find a wealth of constantly updated information on job vacancies, funding opportunities and fellowships throughout Europe. Posting their CV will allow recruiters to find them. Companies or research institutes can post vacancies free of charge and search for the CVs of international top-notch researchers. Users can also directly access the national EURAXESS portals of the partner countries which contain information on research job and funding opportunities, as well as on personalised services in each country. .