Within the framework of the Agreement between Belgium and India on cooperation in the fields of science and technology, it was decided, during the 5th meeting of the Joint Committee on Cooperation in Science and Technology, held on 18th January 2021, to organize a 4th joint call for proposals for networking activities in 2021.
The call 2021 is jointly launched by the Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) and by the Indian Department of Science and Technology (DST) on 25.06.2021.
The call concerns the following areas:
All information, including the application form for submission of your proposal, can be found in the Submission Dossier (Updated version 30 August 2021! The update concerns only the rubrique 'other partners' at p6).
In the Submission Dossier, in annex 2, you find a checklist (BELSPO) allowing you to check the eligibility of your proposal. For submission of the proposal, please use the Application Form.
Friday 17 September 2021, 15:00 (C.E.T).
The evaluation criteria are the following:
In case you have remarks or complaints with regard to the call: online complaint form.