ADVANCE: Antarctic bioDiVersity dAta iNfrastruCture (KBIN)
BE-QCI: Belgian-QCI (IMEC)
BlueBioBoost: Stimulering van zeewierteelt door beter gebruik van genetische hulpbronnen (EV-ILVO)
BOOSTED: Belgium Optical network for Optical frequency Standards and TimE Dissemination (KSB)
BopCo-Ce: Barcoding Facility for Organisms and Tissues of Policy Concern - Centre of Excellence (KBIN-KMMA)
BopCo-CE: Towards a Belgian Expert Centre for the Identification of Biological Specimens and Products of Policy Concern (KBIN, KMMA)
CANATHIST: The Natural History collections collected in central Africa by Belgian institutions (KMMA, KBIN)
CHrisis: Erfgoed in gevaar (KIK)
CoSo: Colonial Sources: Improve access, Share archives and Promote knowledge on the colonial past (Belgium, Burundi, the DRCongo and Rwanda) (KMMA, ARA)
DORA: Detection of Ozone Recovery in the Arctic (BIRA)
DOT: Database on Offender Trajectories (NICC)
DTO-TRACK: Digital Twin of the Ocean: Animal Tracking (VLIZ)
ENFORCE: Expertisecentrum voor Forensisch houtonderzoek (KMMA)
ExPoSoils: Climate change experiments in Arctic and Antarctic polar desert soils ((UGent, ULiège, KBIN)
FROID: Finding the world’s oldest ice record around the Princess Elisabeth Station (ULB)
H-SEARCH: Heritage Science Elastic Archives (KIK)
Hydrogen Test Facility for scientific and applied research (VKI)
infraFADA: Upgrading the taxonomic backbone of global freshwater animal biodiversity research infrastructures (KBIN)
LATTITUDE: Sleep at extreme latitudes: examining the differences between Antarctic and arctic environments (KMS)
LEANI: Low Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos in the Ice (UCLouvain)
LIFTHAW: Nutrient lift upon permafrost thaw: sources and controlling processes (UCLouvain)
LINAC@LNK: Van de karakterisatie van radioactief afval naar medische metrologie (SCK-CEN)
MAGSCREEN: Construction of a magnetically shielded room (KMI)
MetaBelgica: A shared entity management infrastructure between Federal Scientific Institutions (KBR, KMSKB, KIK, KMKG)
Metissen-Resolutie: Metissen-Resolutie - fase 1 (verlenging) (ARA)
Metissen-Resolutie: Metissen-Resolutie - fase 2 (ARA)
MPVAQUA: Floating solar at sea (KBIN)
NAMSAT: Natural hAzards Monitoring from SATellites (BIRA)
NEED: Needs Examination, Evaluation and Dissemination: identificeren en meten van onbeantwoorde gezondheidsgerelateerde behoeften, zodat innovatie in de gezondheidszorg en het gezondheidszorgbeleid meer kunnen worden afgestemd op deze behoeften (KCE, Sciensano)
ORCHESTRA: ecOsystem Responses to Constant offsHorE Sound specTRA (UGent)
PASPARTOUT: Transportwegen van atmosferische deeltjes, VOCs, en waterdamp naar Oost-Antarctica in een veranderend klimaat (KMI, KU Leuven, UGent, ULB)
PROCHE: Herkomstonderzoek op de Etnografische collectie (KMMA)
PURE WIND: Impact of sound on marine ecosystems from offshore wind energy generation (KBIN)
RESIST: Recent Arctic and Antarctic sea ice lows: same causes, same impacts? (KMI, UCLouvain)
SORBET: Services and OpeRability of the BRAMS nETwork (BIRA)
SUNRISE: Duurzame en uniforme onderzoeksinfrastructuur voor zonnegegevensdiensten (KSB)
SURV-EMIS: Consolidatie scheepsemissiemonitoring boven de Noordzee (KBIN)
ULTIMO: UnLocking The scIentific potential of the Belgica MOuntains, East Antarctica (VUB, ULB)