Meteorological programmes

These programmes are a fruitful cooperation between ESA and EUMETSAT.


MetOp Second Generation (MetOp-SG) is an ESA programme that provides the development of 2 prototype polar-orbiting meteorological satellites, MetOp-SG-A and MetOp-SG-B, for the EUMETSAT Polar System SG (EPS-SG). The complete system, constituted by 3 satellites of both types, should be operational from 2024 until after 2040.


The ESA MTG (METEOSAT Third Generation) programme provides the development of 2 prototype geostationary satellites for the MTG system of EUMETSAT: an imager (MTG-I) and a sounder (MTG-S). The complete system will count a total of 6 satellites, 2 MTG-S and 4 MTG-I. These satellites will ensure the continuity of the operational meteorological observations from space. The MTG system should be operational for more than 20 years until after 2040. The launches of the first satellites are planned for 2022 (MTG-I) and in 2023 (MTG-S). The MTG-S will also embark the Copernicus instrument, Sentinel 4.


Steven Bogaerts (ESA)
Space Research & Applications

Pieter Rottiers (EUMETSAT)
Space Research & Applications