De volgende deadline voor het indienen van voorstellen voor de COST Open Call is vastgelegd op 23 oktober 2024 om 12u.
Meer informatie hier .
De Belgische COST Nationale Contactpunten (CNCs) organiseerden op 17 mei 2024 bij Belspo (WTC III) te Brussel twee informatiesessies:
Belgische contacten voor COST
Organisatoren: CIS\COST leden :
BELSPO, FOD Volksgezondheid, FWB, EWI, FWO, SPW en Innoviris
Bekijk ook zeker de volgende files en video als je wil deelnemen in een COST actie:
10:00-10:10 | Welcome words and Belgian COST contacts, Ms Pascale Van Dinter from BELSPO, Belgian member of COST Committee of Senior Officials / COST National Coordinator |
10:10-10:20 | COST: Promoting and Spreading Research Excellence in Europe and beyond, Dr Ronald de Bruin, Director of the COST Association |
10:20-10:40 | What is COST and how to engage with COST, Ms Salomé Moezzi-Gacon, COST Governance Officer |
10:40-11:00 | How to submit an application, Dr Sara Silvestre, COST Science Officer |
11:00-11:20 | Added value and benefits, Dr Baptiste Leroy from UMONS, WG -Leader in COST Action CA21146 Fundamentals and applications of purple bacteria biotechnology for resource recovery from waste |
11:20-11:50 | Added value and benefits, Prof Anastasia Dimou from the KU Leuven, MC-Member and Science Communication Manager in COST Action CA19134 - Distributed Knowledge Graphs |
11:50 | Q&A |
12:00 | End of session |
13:00-13:10 | Welcome words and Belgian COST contacts, Ms Pascale Van Dinter from BELSPO, Belgian member of COST Committee of Senior Officials / COST National Coordinator |
13:10-13:40 | How to prepare your COST proposal, Dr Sara Silvestre, COST Science Officer |
13:40-14:10 | Tips and tricks for the preparation of a COST action, Prof. Patricia Verleysen from Ghent University, MC-Chair and Main Proposer of COST Action CA21155 - Advanced Composites under HIgh STRAin raTEs loading: a route to certification-by-analysis (HISTRATE) |
14:10-14:40 | Impressions from a Belgian evaluator by Brecht Devleesschauwer from Sciensano. |
14:40-15:00 | Q&A and closing of the session |
De volgende deadline voor het indienen van voorstellen voor de COST Open Call is vastgelegd op 25 oktober 2023 om 12u.
Meer info hier
De Belgische COST Nationale Contactpunten (CNCs) organiseerden op 25 april 2023 bij Belspo (WTC III) te Brussel twee informatiesessies:
Belgische contacten voor COST
Organisatoren: CIS\COST leden :
BELSPO, FOD Volksgezondheid, FWB, FWO, SPW, Innoviris en EWI
12:00-13:00 | Networking lunch offered by EWI |
13:00-13:05 | Welcome words - Arnaud Vajda, Chairman of the Board of Directors, BELSPO |
13:05-13:15 | COST: Promoting and Spreading Research Excellence in Europe and beyond - Ronald de Bruin, Director, COST Association |
13:15-13:25 | What is COST and how to participate in a COST Action? - Bart Veys, Policy Officer, COST Association |
13:25-13:35 | How to submit an application? - Bart Veys, Policy Officer, COST Association |
13:35-14:05 | Added value and benefits –2 COST Action members: - Vincent Baeten, Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W), Science Communication Manager in COST Action CA19145 “European Network for assuring food integrity using non-destructive spectral sensors” - Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, UCLouvain, Working Group Leader in the COST Action CA21167 “Universality, diversity and idiosyncrasy in language technology” |
14:05-14:15 | COST in Belgium - COST National Coordinator and regional representatives - Pascale Van Dinter, Belgian member of COST Committee of Senior Officials / COST National Coordinator, BELSPO |
14:15-14:30 | Q&A and closing |
14:30-15:00 | Coffee and networking break |
15:00-15:05 | Welcome words - Pascale Van Dinter, Belgian member of COST Committee of Senior Officials / COST National Coordinator, BELSPO |
15:05-15:25 | How to prepare a COST proposal - Bart Veys, Policy Officer, COST Association |
15:25-15:55 | Tips and tricks for the preparation of a COST action - Mieke Schrooten, Odisee University of Applied Sciences, COST Action Chair of CA 21143 “Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe” |
15:55-16:25 | Insights from the Belgian representative in the COST Scientific Committee - Min Reuchamps, UCLouvain |
16:25-16:45 | Q&A and closing of the session |
De volgende deadline voor het indienen van voorstellen voor de COST Open Call is vastgelegd op 20 oktober 2022 om 12:00 uur.
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De Belgische COST Nationale Contactpunten (CNCs) organiseerden op 8 juni 2022 in de Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KBR) in Brussel twee informatiesessies:
Belgische contacten voor COST
Organisatoren: CIS\COST leden :
BELSPO, CFWB, FWO, SPW, Innoviris en EWI
10:00‑10:05 | Welcome words by Pascale Van Dinter, Belgian member of COST Committee of Senior Officials / COST National Coordinator, BELSPO |
10:05-10:20 | COST: Promoting and Spreading Research Excellence in Europe and beyond - Dr Ronald de Bruin, Director, COST Association |
10:20-10:35 | What is COST and how to participate in a COST Action? - Bart Veys, Policy Officer COST, COST Association |
10:35-10:50 | How to submit an application? - Bart Veys, Policy Officer, COST Association |
10:50-11:20 | Added value and benfits by Natalie Verbruggen, ULB and vice-chair of the COST action CA19116 Trace metal metabolism in plants |
11:20-11:50 | Added value and benfits by Annika Bruger, UCLouvain and grant awarding coordinator in COST action CA20117 Converting molecular profiles of myeloid cells into biomarkers for inflammation and cancer |
11:50-11:55 | COST in Belgium |
11:55 | End of session |
14:00-14:05 | Welcome words by Pascale Van Dinter, Belgian member of COST Committee of Senior Officials / COST National Coordinator, BELSPO |
14:05-14:30 | How to prepare a COST proposal by Bart Veys, Policy Officer, COST Association |
14:30-15:00 | Tips and tricks for the preparation of a COST action by Brecht Devleesschauwer from Sciensano, MC-Chair of COST action 'European Burden of Disease Network’ |
15:00-15:30 | Q&A and closing of the session |
De volgende deadline voor het indienen van voorstellen voor de COST Open Call is vastgelegd op 29 oktober 2021 om 12:00 uur.
Meer info via
De Belgische COST Nationale Contactpunten (CNCs) organiseerden op 4 mei 2021 een informatiesessie via GoToMeeting voor Belgische onderzoekers die een voorstel als 'main proposer' willen indienen.
04-05-2021 COST Informatiesessie via GoToMeeting - Agenda |
10:00‑10:05 | Welcome words by Pascale Van Dinter, Belgian member of COST Committee of Senior Officials / COST National Coordinator, BELSPO |
10:05-10:20 | How to prepare a COST proposal by Christer Halen, Senior Administrator Science Operations from the COST Association |
10:20-10:50 | Tips and tricks for the preparation of a COST action by Prof Min Reuchamps from UCLouvain, chair of the COST action 'Constitution-making and deliberative democracy' |
10:50-11:20 | Tips and tricks for the preparation of a COST action by Dr Jan Reubens from the Flanders Marine Institute, chair of the COST action ' The European Aquatic Animal Tracking Network' |
11:20-11:50 | Advice from a Belgian evaluator in the review panel, Prof Gerrit Beemster from UAntwerp |
11:50-12:00 |
Closing by Pascale Van Dinter |
De volgende deadline voor het indienen van voorstellen voor de COST Open Call is vastgelegd op 29 oktober 2020 om 12:00 uur.
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De Belgische COST Nationale Contactpunten (CNCs) organiseerden op 10 september 2020 een informatiesessie via GoToMeeting voor Belgische onderzoekers die een voorstel als 'main proposer' willen indienen.
10-09-2020 COST Informatiesessie via GoToMeeting - Agenda |
09:00‑09:05 | Welcome words by Pascale Van Dinter, Belgian member of COST Committee of Senior Officials / COST National Coordinator, BELSPO |
09:05-09:20 | How to prepare a COST proposal by Dr Dominique Vandekerchove, Science Officer from the COST Association |
09:20-09:50 | Tips and tricks for the preparation of COST action by Prof Brecht Devleesschauwer from Sciensano, chair of the COST action 'European Burden of Disease Network' |
09:50-10:20 | Tips and tricks for the preparation of COST action by Daniele Carati, Belgian representative in the COST Scientific Committee |
10:20-10:50 | Impressions from a Belgian evaluator in the COST review panel, Prof. Dr. Andy Wullaert from UGent-VIB |
10:50-11:00 |
Closing by Pascale Van Dinter |