Thematic and non-thematic projects (bottom-up and PhD) of the call 2020-2021
BELSHAKE - Earthquake ground-motion database and
modeling in Belgium
Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Seismology, Earthquake ground motion, Intraplate, Crustal attenuation, Seismic hazard
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2020 - 15/03/2025
- Budget: 318.780€
- Coordinator: Vanneste Kris (ORB-KSB)
- Promotors: -
- BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen
BG-PART - BioGeochemical PARTicle interactions and feedback loops on the Belgian Continental Shelf
Thematic project
Keywords: Suspended particulate matter, Flocculation, Phytoplankton , Transparent exopolymer particles, Organic suspended matter composition, Turbidity
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2020 - 15/03/2025
- Budget: 906.418€
- Coordinator: Desmit Xavier (IRSNB-KBIN)
- Promotors: De Rijcke Maarten (VLIZ), Sabbe Koen (UGent)
- BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen
CRIM-BIODIV - Criminal behavior against biodiversity
Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Biodiversity, Environment, Behavior , Inequalities, Deviance, Representations
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2020 - 15/03/2023
- Budget: 279.456€
- Coordinator: Jonckheere Alexia (NICC-INCC)
- Promotors: Pütz Jean-François (IEW)
- BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline
- Project description
- Project website

- Fedra

- Reports
- Final Report: Criminal behaviour against biodiversity (CRIM-BIODIV)
- Samenvatting: Criminal behaviour against biodiversity (CRIM-BIODIV)
- Résumé: Criminal behaviour against biodiversity (CRIM-BIODIV)
- Summary: Criminal behaviour against biodiversity (CRIM-BIODIV)
- Articles:
- D. Scheer, V. Mahieu et A. Jonckheere, « Étudier les criminalités environnementales. Quand la criminologie sort des sentiers (re)battus ? », Champ pénal/Penal field [En ligne], 31 | 2024, mis en ligne le 29 août 2024, URL : ; DOI :
- D. Scheer, « De la défense d’une zone naturelle à son défrichement. Le droit et l’action directe comme arts partagés de la résistance », in Résister ! De l’adaptation à la dissidence en terrains criminologiques, Bruxelles, ULB, 2024, pp. 239-254. Article.
- D. Scheer, « Chasseur et braconnier « hors-la-loi » : gestion différentielle des illégalismes et incitation à jouer avec la loi », Cultures & Conflits, 2024, 131-132(1), pp. 253-285. Article.
- A. Jonckheere et D. Scheer, « Vivre dans les interstices. Les compromis sur la végétation spontanée à Bruxelles », Brussels Studies (coming soon)
- Articles from other ongoing research projects at NICC on environmental crime (for information)
- A. Jonckheere et V. Mahieu , « Le permis de détention animale. Du conflit de temporalités au fantasme technosolutionniste », Champ pénal/Penal field [En ligne], 32 | 2024, mis en ligne le 27 septembre 2024, URL : ; DOI :
- A. Jonckheere, « La statistique criminelle environnementale. Intérêt et enjeux d'un outil en construction », Actes du colloque « Horizons partagés sur la protection de la biodiversité » organisé par Canopéa, Louvain-la-Neuve, 12 mars 2024, pp.19-27. URL : Actes-Colloque-Horizons-partages.pdf
- A. Jonckheere et V. Mahieu, « La répression administrative des infractions environnementales déclassées en Région wallonne », Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie, 2024 (coming soon)
- Media
CS-MASK - Crowd-Sourced data for atmospheric
Modelling At Sub-Kilometric scale
Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords:Hectometric resolution modelling, Urban climate, Numerical weather prediction, Crowd-sourced data
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2020 - 15/03/2025
- Budget: 321.280€
- Coordinator: Termonia Piet (IRM-KMI)
- Promotors: -
- BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne
DELPHI - Deep learning prediction and hindsight of flare initiation
Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Solar flares, Machine learning, Space weather , Deep learning, Forecast, CNN visualization
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2020 - 15/03/2025
- Budget: 499.969€
- Coordinator: Dolla Laurent (ORB-KSB)
- Promotors: Lapenta Giovanni (KU Leuven)
- BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen
EQUATOR - Emission QUantification of Atmospheric tracers in the Tropics using ObseRvations from satellites
Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Land-atmosphere interactions, Biogenic VOC emissions, Tropical atmosphere, Nitrogen oxides emissions, Multi-species satellite observations, Modelling
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2020 - 15/03/2025
- Budget: 271.832€
- Coordinator: Stavrakou Trisevgeni (IASB-BIRA)
- Promotors: -
- BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne
HabitAnt - Past and future habitability in Antarctic lakes: succession, colonization, extinction, and survival in glacial refugia
Thematic project
Keywords: Antarctica, Succession, Lakes , Colonization, Glacial refugia, Extinction
- Duration of the project: 15/01/2021 - 15/04/2025
- Budget: 871.394€
- Coordinator: Verleyen Elie (UGent)
- Promotors: Schön Isabelle (IRSNB-KBIN), Wilmotte Annick (ULiège)
- BELSPO programme manager: Vancauwenberghe Maaike
IPA - Impact of Planetary magnetisation on
Atmospheric erosion
Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Sun, Magnetosphere, Ionosphere , Atmospheric erosion, Terrestrial planets, Semi-empirical modelling
- Duration of the project: 2 years
- Budget: 256.357€
- Coordinator: Maggiolo Romain (IASB-BIRA)
- Promotors: -
- BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen
- Project description
- Project website
- Fedra

- Reports
- Final Report: Impact of Planetary magnetisation on Atmospheric erosion (IPA)
- Summary: Impact of Planetary magnetisation on Atmospheric erosion (IPA)
KEAFish - The biodiversity, biogeography and evolutionary history of the northern basins of the Great African Lakes: the enigmatic fish faunas of Lakes Kivu, Edward and Albert revisited
Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Africa, fishes, rift-valley lakes , biogeography, evolution, biodiversity
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2020 - 15/03/2025
- Budget: 487.668€
- Coordinator: Snoeks Jos (MRAC-KMMA)
- Promotors: Decru Eva (KU Leuven), Svardal Hannes (UAntwerpen), Van Steenberge Maarten (IRSNB-KBIN), Kisekelwa Tchalondawa (ISP Bukavu), Okello William (NaFIRRI Uganda)
- BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne
NITROPOL-BE - Impacts of nitrogen deposition in the natural environment on pollen allergy and respiratory infection outcomes in Belgium
Thematic project
Keywords: Biodiversity loss, Environmental degradation, Soil nutrient imbalances, Natural risk, Human respiratory health, Global change
- Duration of the project: 15/01/2021 - 15/04/2025
- Budget: 1.406.185€
- Coordinator: Aerts Raf (Sciensano)
- Promotors: Bruffaerts Nicolas (Sciensano), Devleesschauwer Brecht (Sciensano), Honnay Olivier (KU Leuven), Linard Catherine (UNamur), Schrijvers Rik (KU Leuven), Speybroeck Niko (UCLouvain)
- BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne
OUTFLOW - Quantifying the cOntribUTion of Fouling fauna to the Local carbon budget of an Offshore Wind farm
Thematic project
Keywords: Offshore wind farm, Sediments, Fouling fauna, Benthos, Faecal pellets, Blue Carbon
- Duration of the project: 15/01/2021 - 15/04/2025
- Budget: 624.237€
- Coordinator: Vanaverbeke Jan (IRSNB-KBIN)
- Promotors: Boeckx Pascal (UGent), Moens Tom (UGent)
- BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen
Paradi²s - PARAsitic DIversity, vectors, host and transfers in Early Cretaceous DInosauraSsociated vertebrates
Thematic project
Keywords: Palaeoparasites, fossil stools, host transfers , terrestrial vertebrates, amber, ectoparasites
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2020 - 15/03/2025
- Budget: 738.324€
- Coordinator: Godefroit Pascal (IRSNB-KBIN)
- Promotors: Baele Jean-Marc (UMONS), Claerebout Edwin (UGent), Claeys Philippe (VUB)
- BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne
PORTAL - PhOtotrophy on Rocky HAbiTAble Planet
Thematic project
Keywords: Habitability, Early Life, Phototrophy , Exoplanets, Astrobiology, Biosignatures
- Duration of the project: 15/01/2021 - 15/04/2025
- Budget: 951.058€
- Coordinator: Javaux Emmanuelle (ULiège)
- Promotors: Cardol Pierre (ULiège), Dehant Veronique (ORB-KSB), Gillon Michaël (ULiège), Lara Yannick (ULiège), Van Hoolst Tim (ORB-KSB), Martin Turbet (Obervatoire de Genève), Noack Lena (FUBerlin), Selsis Franck (LAB Bordeaux)
- BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne
REGE+ - Forest regeneration under climate and environmental changes
Thematic project
Keywords: Forest regeneration, Forest dynamics simulation, Process-based modelling, Forest resilience, Climate change, Forest and wildlife management
- Duration of the project: 15/01/2021 - 15/04/2025
- Budget: 711.035€
- Coordinator: Jonard Mathieu (UCLouvain)
- Promotors: Ligot Gauthier (ULiège), Van Schaeybroeck Bert (IRM-KMI)
- BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline
TANGO - Estimating Tipping points in habitability of ANtarctic benthic ecosystems under
GlObal future climate change scenarios
Thematic project
Keywords: Antarctic Climate Change, tipping points, Benthos, species interactions, Traits, Carbon cycling
- Duration of the project: 15/01/2021 - 15/04/2025
- Budget: 936.636€
- Coordinator: Vanreusel Ann (UGent)
- Promotors: Danis Bruno (ULB), Delille Bruno (ULiège), Schön Isa (IRSNB-KBIN)
- BELSPO programme manager: Vancauwenberghe Maaike
VERTIGO - Deciphering early stages of VERTebrate evolution: insights from long IGnored Belgian Devonian fossil Organisms
Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Soft-bodied chordates, Belgium, Devonian, euphaneropids, Vertebrates
- Duration of the project: 4 years
- Budget: 154.551€
- Coordinator: Mottequin Bernard (IRSNB-KBIN)
- Promotors: Gueriau Pierre (UNIL Lausanne), MNHN Paris Janvier Philippe
- BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne
- Project description
- Project website
- Fedra

- Reports
- Final Report: Deciphering early stages of VERTebrate evolution: insights from long Ignored Belgian Devonian fossil Organisms (VERTIGO)
- Samenvatting: Deciphering early stages of VERTebrate evolution: insights from long Ignored Belgian Devonian fossil Organisms (VERTIGO)
- Résumé: Deciphering early stages of VERTebrate evolution: insights from long Ignored Belgian Devonian fossil Organisms (VERTIGO)
- Summary: Deciphering early stages of VERTebrate evolution: insights from long Ignored Belgian Devonian fossil Organisms (VERTIGO)
- Annexes
- Annex 1: The erroneous chondrichthyan egg case assignments from the Devonian: implications for the knowledge on the evolution of the reproductive strategy within chondrichthyans
- Annex 2: Revisiting the chondrichthyan egg capsules inventory from the Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) of Belgium: new data and perspectives
- Annex 3: The first lower jaw of a ctenacanthid shark from the Late Devonian (Famennian) of Belgium
Thematic and non-thematic projects (bottom-up and PhD) of the call 2019
CLIMB - How do aerosol-CLoud Interactions influence the surface Mass Balance in East Antarctica?
Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Atmospheric Aerosol, aerosol-clouds-precipitation interaction, ice nucleating particles, Regional climate modelling, Belgian Antarctic station, East Antarctic Climate
- Duration of the project: 2 years
- Budget: 376.450€
- Coordinator: Mangold Alexander (IRM-KMI)
- Promotors: van Lipzig Nicole (KU Leuven), Van Roozendael Michel (IASB-BIRA), Walgraeve Christophe (UGent)
- BELSPO programme manager: Vancauwenberghe Maaike
- Project description
- Project website
- Fedra

- Reports
- Final Report: How do aerosol-CLoud Interactions influence the surface Mass Balance in East Antarctica? (CLIMB)
- Samenvatting: Hoe beïnvloeden aerosol-wolken-interacties de massabalans van de oppervlakte in Oost Antarctica ? (CLIMB)
- Résumé: Comment les interactions nuages-aérosols influencent-elles le bilan de masse en surface dans la partie orientale de l’Antarctique ? (CLIMB)
- Summary: How do aerosol-CLoud Interactions influence the surface Mass Balance in East Antarctica? (CLIMB)
Bridging knowledge to the field: an evaluation of the agronomic and socio-economic potential of Robusta coffee genetic resources as a cash crop in the Congo Basin
Thematic project
Keywords: Congo Basin, Socio-economic survey, Agriculture, Soil science, Valorization of Robusta coffee genetic resources, Cash crop
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2019 - 15/03/2024
- Budget: 958.725€
- Coordinator: Stoffelen Piet (APM)
- Promotors: Amara Michaël (AGR-ARA), Merckx Roeland (KU Leuven), Segers Yves (KU Leuven), Stévigny Caroline (ULB), Trefon Théodore (MRAC-KMMA), Verbist Bruno (KU Leuven)
- BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline
Conservation management of polar ecosystems : using genomic approaches to study connectivity across spatial and functional scales
Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Antarctica, Adaptation, Climate change, Genomics
- Duration of the project: 16/12/2019-16/03/2024
- Budget: 511.734€
- Coordinator: Schon Isa (IRSNB-KBIN)
- Promotors: Volckaert Filip (KU Leuven)
- BELSPO programme manager: Vancauwenberghe Maaike
Decision Support under Uncertainty for Geothermal Applications
Thematic project
Keywords: Geothermal energy, Reservoir modelling, Techno-economic simulation, Environmental analysis
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2019-15/03/2024
- Budget: 1.000.217€
- Coordinator: Welkenhuysen Kris (IRSNB-KBIN)
- Promotors: Kaufmann Olivier (UMONS), Laenen Ben (VITO), Compernolle Tine (UA)
- BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen
- Project description
- Project website
- Fedra

- Reports
- Final Report: Decision Support under Uncertainty for Geothermal Applications (DESIGNATE)
- Samenvatting: Decision Support under Uncertainty for Geothermal Applications (DESIGNATE)
- Résumé: Decision Support under Uncertainty for Geothermal Applications (DESIGNATE)
- Summary: Decision Support under Uncertainty for Geothermal Applications (DESIGNATE)
Tracing differentiation processes through siderophile elements, from meteorites to giant ore deposits
Thematic project
Keywords: Siderophile element, Meteorite, Raw material, Impact, Earth differentiation
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2019 - 15/03/2024
- Budget: 643.755€
- Coordinator: Decrée Sophie (IRSNB-KBIN)
- Promotors: Debaille Vinciane (ULB), Goderis Steven (VUB)
- BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen
Geothermal Energy Potential in Cambrian rocks focusing on public buildings
Thematic project
Keywords: Geothermal Potential in Cambrian rocks, Monitoring and long term performance, Public buildings, Geophysical investigation, Geological and hydrogeological exploration, Environmental Impacts
- Duration of the project: 4 years
- Budget: 1.093.236€
- Coordinator: Petitclerc Estelle (IRSNB-KBIN)
- Promotors: Gerard Pierre (ULB), Van Lysebetten Gust (CSTC), Van Noten Koen (ORB-KSB), Walraevens Kristine (UGent)
- BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen
- Project description
- Project website
- Fedra

- Reports
- Final Report: Geothermal Energy Potential in Cambrian rocks focusing on public buildings (GEOCAMB)
- Samenvatting: Geothermal Energy Potential in Cambrian rocks focusing on public buildings (GEOCAMB)
- Résumé: Geothermal Energy Potential in Cambrian rocks focusing on public buildings (GEOCAMB)
- Summary: Geothermal Energy Potential in Cambrian rocks focusing on public buildings (GEOCAMB)
Insect Service and Biodiversity in Agroecological Farming
Thematic project
Keywords: Agroecology, pollinators, insect pests , cucurbits, insect service, biodiversity
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2019 - 15/03/2024
- Budget: 947.630€
- Coordinator: Virgilio Massimiliano (MRAC-KMMA)
- Promotors: Boevé Jean-Luc (IRSNB-KBIN), Vereecken Nicolas J. (ULB)
- BELSPO programme manager: van der Werf Aline
Monitoring LAnd SUbsidence caused by Groundwater exploitation through gEOdetic measurements
Thematic project
Keywords: Land subsidence, Groundwater exploitation, SAR interferometry, Gravity, Hydrogeology, GPS stations
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2019 - 15/03/2024
- Budget: 1.050.448€
- Coordinator: Devleeschouwer Xavier (IRSNB-KBIN)
- Promotors: Dassargues Alain (ULiège), Van Camp Michel (ORB-KSB), Walraevens Kristine (UGent)
- BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen
LEGO-BEL-AQ - Low-Earth and Geostationary Observations of BELgian Air Quality
Thematic project
Keywords: Air quality policy, Nitrogen dioxide, Satellite remote sensing , Fossil fuel, LEO+GEO constellation
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2020 - 15/03/2024
- Budget: 375.951€
- Coordinator: Verhoelst Tijl (IASB-BIRA)
- Promotors: Fierens Frans (CELINE-IRCEL)
- BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen
- Project description
- Project website

- Fedra

- Reports
- Final Report: Low-Earth and Geostationary Observations of Belgian Air Quality (LEGO-BEL-AQ)
- Samenvatting: Low-Earth and Geostationary Observations of Belgian Air Quality (LEGO-BEL-AQ)
- Résumé: Low-Earth and Geostationary Observations of Belgian Air Quality (LEGO-BEL-AQ)
- Summary: Low-Earth and Geostationary Observations of Belgian Air Quality (LEGO-BEL-AQ)
Screening Critical Raw materials from exploration to (post)beneficiation using New LIBS techniques
Thematic project
Keywords: Critical Raw Materials, Chemometrics, Historic Mines, Deep learning, LIBS
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2019 - 15/03/2024
- Budget: 1.024.594€
- Coordinator: Burlet Christian (IRSNB-KBIN)
- Promotors: Baele Jean-Marc (UMONS), Croitor Sava Anca (KU Leuven), Giaro Philippe (ULiège)
- BELSPO programme manager: Lefever Koen
- Project description
- Project website

- Fedra

- Reports
- Final Report: Screening Critical Raw materials from exploration to (post)beneficiation using LIBS techniques (LIBS-SCReeN)
- Samenvatting: Screening van kritieke grondstoffen met behulp van nieuwe LIBS-technieken – van exploratie tot (post)waardering (LIBS-SCReeN)
- Résumé: Dépistage des matières premières critiques, de l'exploration à la (post-) valorisation, en utilisant les techniques LIBS (LIBS-SCReeN)
- Summary: Screening Critical Raw materials from exploration to (post)beneficiation using LIBS techniques (LIBS-SCReeN)
Mars and the IsotopiC Ratio Of water: Budget and Evolution
Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Mars Atmosphere, Surface-atmosphere interaction, Isotopic fractionation, Atmospheric escape, Photochemistry, Modeling
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2019 – 15/03/2024
- Budget: 390.201€
- Coordinator: Erwin Justin (IASB-BIRA)
- Promotors:
- BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne
MicroResist -
The influence of snail host microbiome in trematode parasite resistance
Non-thematic project (PhD)
Keywords: Schistosomiasis, Microbiome, Parasite resistance, Museum collections, Transplant experiments
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2019 – 15/03/2024
- Budget: 319.940€
- Coordinator: Huyse Tine (MRAC-KMMA)
- Promotors:
- BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne
Phase transitions of a salt mixture under changing climatic conditions
Non-thematic project (PhD)
Keywords: Salt Mixture, Phase Transitions, Crystallization, Climate, Conservation
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2019 - 15/03/2024
- Budget: 362.102€
- Coordinator: De Clercq Hilde (IRPA-KIK)
- Promotors: -
- BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne
- Project description
- Project website

- Fedra

- Reports
- Final Report: Phase transitions of salt mixtures under changing climatic conditions (PREDICT)
- Samenvatting: Phase transitions of salt mixtures under changing climatic conditions (PREDICT)
- Résumé: Phase transitions of salt mixtures under changing climatic conditions (PREDICT)
- Summary: Phase transitions of salt mixtures under changing climatic conditions (PREDICT)
SeVoCo -
Semi-volatiles in a comet
Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Atmosphere, Comets, Composition
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2019-15/03/2024
- Budget: 241.777€
- Coordinator: Dhooghe Frederik (IASB-BIRA)
- Promotors: Cessateur Gaël (IASB-BIRA), De Keyser Johan (IASB-BIRA), Jehin Emmanuel (ULiège)
- BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne
The structure and evolution of Mercury's core
Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Planetology, Mercury, Planet interior, Planetary geodesy
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2019 - 15/03/2022
- Budget: 196.200€
- Coordinator: Van Hoolst Tim (ORB-KSB)
- Promotors: -
- BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne
- Project description
- Project website
- Fedra

- Reports
- Final Report: The STructure and Evolution of Mercury’s core (STEM)
- Samenvatting: The STructure and Evolution of Mercury’s core (STEM)
- Résumé: The STructure and Evolution of Mercury’s core (STEM)
- Summary: The STructure and Evolution of Mercury’s core (STEM)
SWiM - Solar wind modeling with EUHFORIA for new heliophysics space missions
Non-thematic project (bottom-up)
Keywords: Solar corona, Solar wind, Coronal mass ejections, Space weather, MHD simulations
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2019 - 15/03/2024
- Budget: 503.028€
- Coordinator: Magdalenic Jasmina (ORB-KSB)
- Promotors: Poedts Stefaan (KU Leuven)
- BELSPO programme manager: Lejour Corinne