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BRAIN-be - Projects

Axis 3: Cultural, historical and scientific heritage

The Federal State - and particularly the FSIs - acquires, conserves, restores, manages and valorises collections as well as archives which are composed – or relate to – material and immaterial cultural and scientific heritage, of an origin and scope that is either national or international. Through its expertise, it also contributes to the valorisation of non-federal heritage.
This heritage and the associated expertise must be made the most of through (inter)disciplinary research having to do with putting it into context - social, artistic, historic, geographical, environmental, scientific, technical, political, archaeological, linguistic, literary, musical, economic or cultural – within a synchronic or diachronic perspective.

The research will particularly include scientific inventories, monographic studies, work in the field, the examination of materials and techniques as well as the ongoing analyses involving methods specific to the various disciplines concerned.

It will lead to the production of work acknowledged at the national and international level in the form of publications, conferences, exhibitions… designed to make the knowledge and heritage available in diverse contexts within our societies.

[Description of the axis as mentioned in the note to the Council of Ministers]


Network projects of the call 2016

Upscaling the Geo-temporal Enrichment, exploration and exploitation of Scientific COllections

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2016 - 15/03/2019
  • Budget: 527.321 €
  • Coordinator: VERSTOCKT Steven, VAN HOECKE Sofie (UGent)
  • Promotors: GILLET Florence ROEGES Mathieu (AGR-ARA), VAN HOOLAND Seth (ULB), DE MAEYER Philippe VAN DE WEGHE Nico (UGent), DESMET Piet PAULUSSEN Hans CORNILLIE Frederik (KULeuven)
  • BELSPO programme manager: JAMART Georges


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report 2020: Upscaling the Geo-temporal Enrichment, exploration and exploitation of Scientific COllections (UGESCO)
    • Summary: Upscaling the Geo-temporal Enrichment, exploration and exploitation of Scientific COllections (UGESCO)
    • Samenvatting: Tijdruimtelijke verrijking van (meta)data voor het optimaliseren van de exploratie en exploitatie van wetenschappelijke collecties (UGESCO)
    • Résumé: Enrichissement Spatio-temporel des métadonnées pour améliorer l'exploration et l'exploitation des collections scientifiques (UGESCO)


Valorization of 70 years Solar Observations from the Royal Observatory of Belgium

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2016 - 15/03/2021
  • Budget: 450.240 €
  • Coordinator: LEFÈVRE Laure (ORB-KSB)
  • Promotors: VON SACHS Rainer (UCLouvain)
  • BELSPO programme manager: JAMART Georges


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Valorization of 70 years Solar Observations from the Royal Observatory of Belgium (VAL-U-SUN)
    • Samenvatting: Valorization of 70 years Solar Observations from the Royal Observatory of Belgium (VAL-U-SUN)
    • Résumé: Valorization of 70 years Solar Observations from the Royal Observatory of Belgium (VAL-U-SUN)
    • Summary: Valorization of 70 years Solar Observations from the Royal Observatory of Belgium (VAL-U-SUN)

Historical aerial Photographs and ArchiveS to assess Environmental Changes in Central Africa

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2016 – 15/03/2021
  • Budget: 597.560 €
  • Coordinator: DEWITTE Olivier (MRAC-KMMA)
  • Promotors: GOVERS Gerard (KULeuven), WOLFF Eléonore (ULB)
  • BELSPO programme manager: VANCAUWENBERGHE Maaike


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Historical aerial Photographs and ArchiveS to assess Environmental Changes in Central Africa (PASTECA)
    • Samenvatting: Onderzoek van milieuveranderingen in Centraal Afrika op basis van historische foto’s en archieven (PASTECA)
    • Résumé: Utilisation des photos aériennes historiques et des archives pour l'évaluation des changements environnementaux en Afrique centrale (PASTECA)
    • Summary: Historical aerial Photographs and ArchiveS to assess Environmental Changes in Central Africa (PASTECA)

Intelligent Neural Systems as InteGrated Heritage Tools

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2016 - 15/03/2021
  • Budget: 567.195 €
  • Coordinator: KESTEMONT Mike, DAELEMANS Walter, VAN HULLE Dirk (UA)
  • Promotors: GEURTS Pierre (ULiège), VAN KEER Ellen (MRBAB-KMSKB), VERBRUGGEN Christophe, CHAMBERS Sally (UGent), COUDYZER Eva (MRAH-KMKG)
  • BELSPO programme manager: JAMART Georges



The Sorrows of Belgium: WWII memories and family transmission

  • Duration of the project: 15/01/2017 – 14/04/2019
  • Budget: 571.000 €
  • Coordinator: Bruno DE WEVER (UGent)
  • Promotors: Olivier LUMINET (UCLouvain), Nico WOUTERS (AGR-ARA)
  • BELSPO programme manager: JAMART Georges


  • Project description
  • Project website (Dutch] or [French]
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: The Sorrows of Belgium: WWII memories and family transmission (TRANSMEMO)
    • Samenvatting: The Sorrows of Belgium: WWII memories and family transmission (TRANSMEMO)
    • Résumé: The Sorrows of Belgium: WWII memories and family transmission (TRANSMEMO)
    • Summary: The Sorrows of Belgium: WWII memories and family transmission (TRANSMEMO)

  • Events
    • 03-10-2019 - Study day, Senate
      Oorlog, familie en transmissie
      Collaboratie en verzet tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog in de familiale en publieke herinnering in Belgie

      Guerre, famille et transmission
      Les mémoires familiales de la résistance et de la collaboration durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale en Belgique

      In the project TRANSMEMO historians and psychologists investigate how Belgian families with a history of collaboration or resistance remember and experience the legacy of the Second World War. During a full-day program TRANSMEMO will present the results of the research while political scientists, psychologists and historians will reflect on the legacy of this past.
      This study day takes place from 9.30h to 17.00h in the senate of Belgium. The program is aimed at a wider audience, with artistic breaks and a debate between opinion formers from both language communities. Specialists will also give advice on the existing sources to reconstruct one's own family history.
      [More information] [The conference is free of charge but it is mandatory to register]

  • Media
    • Les Transmissions. La guerre en héritage - PODCAST
      (TheTransmissions. The Legacy of War)
      A series of three podcasts (in French): the stories of descendents of all those who fought with or against the German occupiers during WWII.
    • RTBf radio - la 1ère - PODCAST
      Résistance et Collaboration dans les mémoires familiales et publiques en Belgique Émission du 21/09 - 13:00 Ce samedi 21 septembre 2019, Fabienne Vande Meerssche (@fvandemeerssche) reçoit dans LES ECLAIREURS : Olivier Luminet, Psychologue, Directeur de recherches au FNRS, Professeur à l'UCLouvain et à l'ULB, Valérie Rosoux, Philosophe, Docteur en Science politiques, Maître de recherches FNRS et professeur à l'UCLouvain & Bruno De Wever Docteur en Histoire, Président du département d'Histoire de l'UGent, où il enseigne l'Histoire moderne. (coordinateur du projet TRANSMEMO)

Social Hotspots. High Courts of Justice files, sources for Low Countries history

  • Duration of the project: 01/10/2017 - 30/09/2021
  • Budget: 317.000 €
  • Coordinator: DECEULAER Harald (AGR-ARA)
  • Promotors: ROUSSEAUX Xavier (UCLouvain), VERMEESCH Griet (VUB)
  • BELSPO programme manager: JAMART Georges


  • Project description
  • Project website [in Dutch or French]
  • Fedra

  • Reports:
    • Final Report: Social Hotspots. High Courts of Justice Files, sources for Low Countries history (HOTSPOTS)

  • Events
    • 16-09-2022 | Atelier "Social Hotspots"
      Intelligence artificielle et sciences participatives dans les archives judiciaires d'Ancien Régime

      Le secteur archivistique est en révolution. A l'aide d’archives souvent centenaires, plusieurs initiatives sont prises pour mettre sur pied une toute nouvelle infrastructure de recherche. Davantage de sources sont mises à disposition via la numérisation, le bénévolat, les sciences participatives (Citizen Science), l’application de l’intelligence artificielle et la création de fichiers et de bases de données avec moteurs de recherche. Les possibilités de recherches deviennent donc de plus en plus amples. Rendez-vous aux Archives générales du Royaume si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur ce type de projets.
      Plus d'informations, le programme et l'inscription...
      16-09-2022 | Workshop 'Social Hotspots'
      Artificiële intelligentie en burgerwetenschap in gerechtelijk archief uit het ancien régime

      De archiefwereld staat aan de vooravond van een revolutie. Op basis van vaak eeuwenoude archieven wordt op verschillende plaatsen de aanzet gegeven voor een hele nieuwe onderzoeksinfrastructuur. Door digitalisering, het werken met vrijwilligers, Citizen Science (burgerwetenschap), de toepassing van artificiële intelligentie en het creëren van doorzoekbare bestanden en databanken wordt steeds meer materiaal beschikbaar. Onderzoeksmogelijkheden worden parallel steeds ruimer. Dergelijke projecten plaatsen we centraal in deze workshop in het Algemeen Rijksarchief.
      Meer informatie, het programma en inschrijving... 

  • Media

The Belgian photonovel: the local reuse of a European cultural practice

  • Duration of the project: 15/01/2017-30/04/2021
  • Budget: 495.285 €
  • Coordinator: BAETENS Jan (KULeuven)
  • Promotors: DELVILLE Michel, CURRERI Luciano (ULiège), LEMMERS Frédéric (KBR)
  • BELSPO programme manager: JAMART Georges


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: The Belgian photonovel: the local reuse of a European cultural practice (PHOTO-LIT)
    • Samenvatting: The Belgian photonovel: the local reuse of a European cultural practice (PHOTO-LIT)
    • Résumé: The Belgian photonovel: the local reuse of a European cultural practice (PHOTO-LIT)
    • Summary: The Belgian photonovel: the local reuse of a European cultural practice (PHOTO-LIT)

Profound study of Hydrous and Solvent Interactions in Cleaning Asian Lacquer

  • Duration of the project: 15/01/2017 - 15/04/2021
  • Budget: 396.444 €
  • Coordinator: SAVERWYNS Steven (IRPA-KIK)
  • Promotors: VANDEPERRE Nathalie (MRAH-KMKG), LYNEN Frederic (UGent)
  • BELSPO programme manager: VANCAUWENBERGHE Maaike


  • Project description
  • Project website [in Dutch or French]
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Profound study of Hydrous and Solvent Interactions in Cleaning Asian Lacquer (PHYSICAL)
    • Samenvatting: Profound study of Hydrous and Solvent Interactions in Cleaning Asian Lacquer (PHYSICAL)
    • Résumé: Profound study of Hydrous and Solvent Interactions in Cleaning Asian Lacquer (PHYSICAL)
    • Summary: Profound study of Hydrous and Solvent Interactions in Cleaning Asian Lacquer (PHYSICAL)

NATURALHERITAGE Modular interoperable database system and Portal for Belgian Natural History Collections

  • Duration of the project: 15/01/2017-15/04/2019
  • Budget: 599.886 €
  • Coordinator: SEMAL Patrick (IRSNB-KBIN)
  • BELSPO programme manager: VANCAUWENBERGHE Maaike


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report 2019: Modular interoperable database system and Portal for Belgian Natural History Collections (NATURALHERITAGE)
      • annex 1: The DaRWIN Collection Management System
      • annex 2: The labels module of the DaRWIN Collection Management System
      • annex 3: The Loans module of DaRWIN
      • annex 4: The Import module of the DaRWIN Collection Management System
      • annex 5: The Nagoya and ABS and CITES modules
      • annex 6: Integration of new DaRWIN in existing CMS
      • annex 7: The GeoDaRWIN Collection Management System
      • annex 8: The Botanical Collections Management System
      • annex 9: The Virtual collections Module
      • annex 10: The (re)Indexing System and Research portal
      • annex 11: New CETAF Passport and Collections Registry_ Spinoff of the NH Project
    • Samenvatting: Modular interoperable database system and Portal for Belgian Natural History Collections (NATURALHERITAGE)
    • Résumé: Modular interoperable database system and Portal for Belgian Natural History Collections (NATURALHERITAGE)
    • Summary: Modular interoperable database system and Portal for Belgian Natural History Collections (NATURALHERITAGE)


Management and valorisation of the digitised Belgian human remains collection

  • Duration of the project: 15/01/2017-15/04/2019
  • Budget: 599.426 €
  • Coordinator: VAN SINT JAN Serge (ULB)
  • Promotors: POLET Caroline (IRSNB-KBIN), JANSEN Bart (VUB)
  • BELSPO programme manager:


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Management and valorisation of the digitised Belgian human remains collection (NEANDERTAL-3D)
    • Samenvatting: Management and valorisation of the digitised Belgian human remains collection (NEANDERTAL-3D)
    • Résumé: Management and valorisation of the digitised Belgian human remains collection (NEANDERTAL-3D)
    • Summary: Management and valorisation of the digitised Belgian human remains collection (NEANDERTAL-3D)


Beyond ideological conflict: religion and free-thought in the Belgian medical press (1840-1914)

  • Duration of the project: 15/04/2017 – 15/04/2021
  • Budget: 496.691 €
  • Coordinator: WILS Kaat, GOYENS Michèle , VANDENDRIESSCHE Joris (KU Leuven)
  • Promotors: LEMMERS Frédéric (KBR), VANDERPELEN Cécile (ULB)
  • BELSPO programme manager: JAMART Georges


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Beyond ideological conflict: religion and freethought in the Belgian medical press, 1840-1914 (IMPRESS)
    • Samenvatting: Beyond ideological conflict: religion and freethought in the Belgian medical press, 1840-1914 (IMPRESS)
    • Résumé:Beyond ideological conflict: religion and freethought in the Belgian medical press, 1840-1914 (IMPRESS)
    • Summary: Beyond ideological conflict: religion and freethought in the Belgian medical press, 1840-1914 (IMPRESS)


800 Years of fenestration history. Flat glass and windows in Federal Scientific Institutes

  • Duration of the project: 15/01/2017 - 15/04/2021
  • Budget: 588.970 €
  • Coordinator: MEULEBROECK Wendy (VUB)
  • Promotors: LECOCQ Isabelle (IRPA-KIK), MONTENS Valérie (MRAH-KMKG)
  • BELSPO programme manager: VANCAUWENBERGHE Maaike


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: 800 Years of FENESTRAtion history. Flat glass and windows in Federal Scientific Institutes
    • Samenvatting: 800 Years of FENESTRAtion history. Flat glass and windows in Federal Scientific Institutes
    • Résumé: 800 Years of FENESTRAtion history. Flat glass and windows in Federal Scientific Institutes
    • Summary: 800 Years of FENESTRAtion history. Flat glass and windows in Federal Scientific Institutes


PReserving Online Multiple Information: towards a Belgian StratEgy

  • Duration of the project: 15/01/2017 - 15/04/2019
  • Budget: 399.339 €
  • Coordinator: VANDEPONTSEELE Sophie ISBERGUE Nadège (KBR)
  • Promotors: DEPOORTERE Rolande, SOYEZ Sébastien (AGR-ARA), DE TERWANGNE Cécile MICHAUX Benoit (UNamur), DI PRETORO Emmanuel (Haute École Paul-Henri Spaak), MECHANT Peter, CHAMBERS Sally (UGent)
  • BELSPO programme manager:


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report 2020: Preserving Online Multiple Information: towards a Belgian strategy (PROMISE)
    • Summary: Preserving Online Multiple Information: towards a Belgian strategy (PROMISE)
    • Samenvatting: Het bewaren van veelsoortige online informatie: naar een Belgische strategie (PROMISE)
    • Résumé: Préserver les multiples informations en ligne : vers une stratégie belge

  • Events
    • 18-10-2019 - Colloquium
      ‘Saving the Web: the Promise of a Belgian Web Archive’

      During the colloquium, the results of the PROMISE research project will be presented. The research project financed by BELSPO through its BRAIN-be programme aims to develop a collaborative federal strategy for the preservation of the Belgian web
      [More information]

Congo basin eco-climatological data recovery and valorisation

  • Duration of the project: 1/01/2017 - 15/04/2020
  • Budget: 344.916 €
  • Coordinator: VERBEECK Hans, HUFKENS Koen (UGent)
  • BELSPO programme manager: VANCAUWENBERGHE Maaike


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Congo basin eco-climatological data recovery and valorisation (COBECORE)
    • Samenvatting: Congo basin eco-climatological data recovery and valorisation (COBECORE)
    • Résumé: Congo basin eco-climatological data recovery and valorisation (COBECORE)
    • Summery: Congo basin eco-climatological data recovery and valorisation (COBECORE)

Ornamenta sacra. Iconological study of the liturgical heritage from the Southern Netherlands (1400-1700)

  • Duration of the project: 01/01/2017 - 15/04/2020
  • Budget: 348.506 €
  • Coordinator: DEKONINCK Ralph (UCLouvain)
  • Promotors: BAERT Barbara (KULeuven), CLAES Marie-Christine (IRPA-KIK)
  • BELSPO programme manager: JAMART Georges


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Ornamenta Sacra. Iconological Study of the Liturgical Heritage from the Southern Netherlands (1400-1700) (ORNASACRA)
    • Samenvatting: Ornamenta Sacra. Iconological Study of the Liturgical Heritage from the Southern Netherlands (1400-1700) (ORNASACRA)
    • Résumé:Ornamenta Sacra. Iconological Study of the Liturgical Heritage from the Southern Netherlands (1400-1700) (ORNASACRA)
    • Summary: Ornamenta Sacra. Iconological Study of the Liturgical Heritage from the Southern Netherlands (1400-1700) (ORNASACRA)


NAture impact on MEntal health Distribution

  • Duration of the project: 1/01/2017-15/04/2020
  • Budget: 353.822 €
  • Coordinator: KEUNE Hans (INBO)
  • Promotors: VAN NIEUWENHUYSE An (ISP-WIV), THOMAS Isabelle (UCLouvain), BASTIAENS Hilde REMMEN Roy (UA), NAWROT Tim (UHasselt)
  • BELSPO programme manager: BOURGEOIS Emmanuèle


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Nature Impact on Mental Health Distribution (NAMED)
    • Samenvatting: Nature Impact on Mental Health Distribution (NAMED)
    • Résumé: Nature Impact on Mental Health Distribution (NAMED)
    • Summary: Nature Impact on Mental Health Distribution (NAMED)

  • Events
    • 19-10-2021 - Symposium on urban health.
      On 19 October 2021, the VUB and the UAntwerpen organised in collaboration with Belspo, Innoviris and the research partners (UCLouvain, Sciensano, KULeuven, INBO, UHasselt) the Symposium "Urban Health Brussels". At this event, the two research projects Green & Quiet and NAMED presented the measured and perceived impact of the Brussels environment on health and well-being. The symposium ended with a fascinating panel discussion between actors from the environment and health sectors, with the presence of a policy maker.

      Presentations Streaming (YouTube)

Network projects of the call 2014

Re-opening of the Bernissart Iguanodon crime scene

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2014 - 15/03/2019
  • Budget: 877.448€
  • Coordinator: GODEFROIT Pascal (IRSNB-KBIN)
  • Promotors: CLAEYS Philippe (VUB); BAELE Jean-Marc (UMons)
  • BELSPO programme manager: VANCAUWENBERGHE Maaike


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Re-opening of the Bernissart Iguanodon crime scene (COLDCASE)
    • Samenvatting: Heropening van de Bernissart Iguanodon Misdaad Scene (COLDCASE)
    • Résumé: Ré-ouverture de la scène de crime des Iguanodons de Bernissart (COLDCASE)
    • Summary: Re-opening of the Bernissart Iguanodon crime scene (COLDCASE)


Connections/Collections: objects and power institutions in north-east Congo (1800-1960)

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2014 - 15/03/2019
  • Budget: 752.275€
  • Coordinator: STROEKEN Koen (UGent)
  • Promotors: COUTTENIER Maarten (MRAC-KMMA); CHIKHA Chokri Ben (HoGent)
  • BELSPO programme manager: MATHIEU Christine


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Connections/Collections: power objects and institutions in north-east Congo (1800-1960) (CONGOCONNECT)
    • Samenvatting: Connections/Collections: power objects and institutions in north-east Congo (1800-1960) (CONGOCONNECT)
    • Résumé: Connections/Collections: power objects and institutions in north-east Congo (1800-1960) (CONGOCONNECT)
    • Summary: Connections/Collections: power objects and institutions in north-east Congo (1800-1960) (CONGOCONNECT)


Egyptian and African Copper Metallurgy in Federal Collections: Contextualisation, Preservation, Patrimonial Value

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2014 - 15/03/2019
  • Budget: 679.007 €
  • Coordinator: DELVAUX Luc (MRAH-KMKG)
  • Promotors: SMITH Alexandre (MRAC-KMMA); DEGRYSE Patrick (KULeuven); NIKIS Nicolas (ULB); DE PUTTER Thierry (MRAC-KMMA)
  • BELSPO programme manager: MATHIEU Christine



Impact of green/blue spaces on specific morbidity and cause-specific mortality in Belgium

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2014 - 15/03/2019
  • Budget: 808.758 €
  • Coordinator: NEMERY Benoit (KULeuven)
  • Promotors: THOMAS Isabelle (UCLouvain); NAWROT Tim (UHasselt); BOULAND Catherine (ULB); DEBOOSERE Patrick (VUB); VAN NIEUWENHUYSE An (ISP-WIV)
  • BELSPO programme manager: VANCAUWENBERGHE Maaike



Interdisciplinary exploitation of the federal Herbarium and Xylarium for tropical forest management

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2014 - 15/03/2019
  • Budget: 875.063 €
  • Coordinator: BEECKMAN Hans (MRAC-KMMA)
  • Promotors: JANSSENS Steven (JBB-NPB); FAYOLLE Adeline (ULiège); VAN ACKER Joris (UGent); MWERU MATE Jean-Pierre (ERARIFT (RDC)); ESPINOZA Edgard (US Fish and Wildlife Service (USA))
  • BELSPO programme manager: VANCAUWENBERGHE Maaike


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Interdisciplinary exploitation of the federal Herbarium and Xylarium for tropical forest management (HERBAXYLAREDD)
    • Samenvatting: Interdisciplinary exploitation of the federal Herbarium and Xylarium for tropical forest management (HERBAXYLAREDD)
    • Résumé: Interdisciplinary exploitation of the federal Herbarium and Xylarium for tropical forest management (HERBAXYLAREDD)
    • Summary: Interdisciplinary exploitation of the federal Herbarium and Xylarium for tropical forest management (HERBAXYLAREDD)


Outcast or Embraced? Clusters of Foreign Immigrants in Belgium, c. 1840-1890

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2014 - 15/03/2019
  • Budget: 896.930 €
  • Coordinator: WINTER Anne (VUB)
  • Promotors: BERTRAMS Kenneth (ULB); GREEFS Hilde (UA); WILLEMS Bart (AGR-ARA)
  • BELSPO programme manager: MATHIEU Christine


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Media
    • You Tube: Sarah geeft de aftrap van het IMMIBEL-project - Sarah lance le projet IMMIBEL
      Op 1 oktober 2015 gingen in het Algemeen Rijksarchief enkele BRAIN-projectmedewerkers van start. We laten ze de komende maanden zelf hun project toelichten. - Le 1 octobre 2015, quelques collaborateurs de projets BRAIN se sont mis au travail aux Archives générales du Royaume. Les prochains mois, ils vous présenteront eux-mêmes leurs projets.
    • De Standaard: Krapte lokt duizenden arbeids­migranten van ver buiten Europa

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Outcast or Embraced? Clusters of Foreign Immigrants in Belgium,
      c. 1840-1890 (IMMIBEL)
    • Samenvatting: Outcast of omarmd? Clusters van buitenlandse immigranten in België, c. 1840-1890 (IMMIBEL)
    • Résumé: Exclus ou bienvenus ? Réseaux d’immigrants étrangers en Belgique, 1840-1890 (IMMIBEL)
    • Summary: Outcast or Embraced? Clusters of Foreign Immigrants in Belgium, c. 1840-1890 (IMMIBEL)


A century of pioneering case-law. A digital database of Belgian precedents of international justice, 1914-2014

  • Duration of the project: 15/12/2014 - 15/03/2019
  • Budget: 684.925 €
  • Coordinator: LAGROU Pieter (ULB)
  • Promotors: DUBOIS Sébastien (AGR-ARA); WOUTERS Jan (KULeuven); FORM Wolfgang (Philipps-University Marburg (DE))
  • BELSPO programme manager: MATHIEU Christine


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report 2020: A Century of Pioneering Case-Law. A Digital Database of Belgian Precedents of International Justice, 1914-2014
    • Samenvatting: Een eeuw gangmakende jurisprudentie. Een digitale databank van Belgische precedenten in international rechtspraak, 1914-2014.
    • Résumé: Un siècle de jurisprudence pionnière. Une base de données digitales de précédents belges en matière de justice internationale, 1914-2014.
    • Summary: A Century of Pioneering Case-Law. A Digital Database of Belgian Precedents of International Justice, 1914-2014



Network projects of the call 2012

4 decades of Belgian marine monitoring: uplifting historical data to today's needs

  • Duration of the project: 01/10/2013 - 31/12/2017
  • Budget: 999.071€
  • Coordinator: DE CAUWER Karien (IRSNB-KBIN)
  • Promotors: DE WITTE Bavo (ILVO); SABBE Koen (UGent); DENEUDT Klaas (VLIZ); BORGES Alberto (ULiège)
  • BELSPO programme manager: COX David


Belgian Archaeological Expeditions to the Orient. Heritage in Federal Collections

  • Duration of the project: 01/10/2013 - 31/12/2017
  • Budget: 760.700€
  • Coordinator: GUBEL Eric (MRAH-KMKG)
  • Promotors: VAN NEER Wim (IRSNB-KBIN); HAERINCK Ernie (UGent)  
  • BELSPO programme manager: VANCAUWENBERGHE Maaike



The Great War from Below Multiple Mobility and Cultural Dynamics in Belgium (1900-1930)

  • Duration of the project: 01/10/2013 - 31/12/2017
  • Budget: 872.454€
  • Coordinator: WOUTERS Nico (CEGES-SOMA)
  • Promotors: AMARA Michaël (AGR-ARA); TIXHON Axel (UNamur); VRINTS Antoon (UGent); MATTHYS Koenraad (KULeuven)
  • BELSPO programme manager: MATHIEU Christine


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: The Great War from Below (GWB). Multiple Mobility and Cultural Dynamics in Belgium during and after the First World War
    • Summary: The Great War from Below (GWB). Multiple Mobility and Cultural Dynamics in Belgium during and after the First World War
    • Samenvatting: The Great War from Below (GWB). Multiple Mobility and Cultural Dynamics in Belgium during and after the First World War
    • Résumé: The Great War from Below (GWB). Multiple Mobility and Cultural Dynamics in Belgium during and after the First World War


Recognition and resentment: experiences and memories of the Great War in Belgium

  • Duration of the project: 01/10/2013 - 30/06/2018
  • Budget: 1.071.532€
  • Coordinator: VAN YPERSELE Laurence (UCLouvain)
  • Promotors: VRINTS Antoon (UGent); KLEIN Olivier (ULB); BREMS Elke (KULeuven); KESTELOOT Chantal (CEGES-SOMA)
  • BELSPO programme manager: MATHIEU Christine



Origin of European modern faunas through Palaeogene Central Africa collections

  • Duration of the project: 01/10/2013 - 31/12/2017
  • Budget: 892.135€
  • Coordinator: SMITH Thierry (IRSNB-KBIN)
  • Promotors: FERNANDEZ-ALONSO Max (MRAC-KMMA); LOUWYE Stephen (UGent); YANS Johan (UNamur); GUNNELL Gregg-Duke (University Lemur Center, USA); STEVENS Nancy-(Ohio University, USA)
  • BELSPO programme manager: VANCAUWENBERGHE Maaike


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: Origin of the European modern faunas through Palaeogene Central Africa collections (PalEurAfrica)
    • Samenvatting: De oorsprong van de moderne Europese faunas gebaseerd op de Paleogene Midden-Afrikanse collecties (PalEurAfrica)
    • Résumé: L’origine des faunes modernes d’Europe au travers des collections du Paléogène d’Afrique (PalEurAfrica)
    • Summary: Origin of the European modern faunas through Palaeogene Central Africa collections (PalEurAfrica)

Transnational Belgium. International social reform organisations and congresses, 1840-1914

  • Duration of the project: 01/10/2013 - 31/12/2017
  • Budget: 910.891€
  • Coordinator: VERBRUGGEN Christophe (UGent)
  • Promotors: ROUSSEAUX Xavier (UCLouvain); VELLE Karel (AGR-ARA); VAN HOOLAND Seth (ULB); RANDERAAD Nico (UM, NL)
  • BELSPO programme manager: MATHIEU Christine



European lacquer in Context: art-historical, technological and chemical characterisation of European lacquer in Federal collections

  • Duration of the project: 01/10/2013 - 31/12/2017
  • Budget: 937.698€
  • Coordinator: SAVERWYNS Steven (IRPA-KIK)
  • Promotors: INDEKEU Charles (UA); VAN BINNEBEKE Emile (MRAH-KMKG)
  • BELSPO programme manager: VANCAUWENBERGHE Maaike


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
    • Final Report: European Lacquer in Context. Art-historical, technological and chemical characterisation of European lacquer in federal collections (ELinC).
    • Samenvatting: Europees Lakwerk in Context - ELinC. Kunsthistorische, technologische en chemische karakterisering van Europees lakwerk in federale collecties
    • Résumé: La laque européenne en contexte – ElinC. Caractérisation historique, technologique et chimique de la laque européenne dans les collections fédérales
    • Summary: European Lacquer in Context (ELinC). Art-historical, technological and chemical characterisation of European paintwork in federal collections


Pioneer project of the call 2013

Van Eyck Research in OpeN Acces

  • Duration of the project: 01/10/2013 - 31/12/2015
  • Budget: 150.000€
  • Promotor: FRANSEN Bart (IRPA-KIK)
  • BELSPO programme manager: JAMART Georges


  • Project description
  • Project website
  • Fedra

  • Reports
  • Events
    • 14-01-2020 - Local award ceremony
      Heritage Science in Open Access
      European Heritage Award Europa Nostra Award 2019 in the category Research for VERONA Van Eyck Research in OpeN Access
    • 01.12.2020 till 14.02.2021 | Exhibition
      Facing Van Eyck. The Miracle of Detail

      Facing Van Eyck. The Miracle of Detail looks at Jan van Eyck's extraordinary works through a contemporary lens. Thanks to pioneering digital techniques and new scientific research at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA), you can get closer to Van Eyck and his secrets than ever before. Take an immersive dive into Van Eyck's pictorial microcosmos by zooming in on landscapes, architecture, textiles, human figures and everyday objects, and unveil fascinating details hardly visible to the naked eye. Benjamin Glorieux composed a Van Eyck-inspired piece especially for the exhibition - a sensory experience that fascinates both the eye and the ear.
      A richly illustrated film focuses on Jan van Eyck's devotional images and links him to the Byzantine icon. By delving deeper into the reception and appropriation of Byzantine models in Van Eyck's work the film explores the religious and artistic exchanges between East and West in the 15th century.​​​​​​​
      A new way of looking at Jan van Eyck's oeuvre through 20 digitized works that show you the radicality and freshness of his fascinating visual language!
      This exhibition fits into the framework of the BELSPO BRAIN-be projects "VERONA" and "ESIX"

  • Media
    • Persbericht (14-01-2020)
      Ontdek online het volledige geschilderde oeuvre en de unieke miniaturen van Jan Van Eyck & European Heritage Award
    • Communiqué de presse (14-01-2020)
      L'oeuvre picturale complète et les miniatures uniques de Jan Van Eyck à découvrir en ligne


Pioneer projects of the call 2012

A new environment for the organization of musical instruments

  • Duration of the project: 01/10/2013 - 31/12/2015
  • Budget: 149.906 €
  • Coordinator: WEISSER Stéphanie (MRAH-KMKG)
  • Promotors: MELOT Hadrien (UMONS); SIEBERT Xavier (UMONS)
  • BELSPO programme manager: JAMART Georges



Disentangling the Masters of Guillebert de Mets: An Interdisciplinary Approach

  • Duration of the project: 01/10/2013 - 31/12/2015
  • Budget: 74.907 €
  • Promotor: VANWIJNSBERGHE Dominique (IRPA-KIK)
  • BELSPO programme manager: JAMART Georges



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