BRAIN-be (Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks)


  • Verantwoordelijk(en) Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid: David Cox, Aline Van der Werf, Claudine Belleflamme, Lieve Lenaerts, Aurore Delis, Anne Fierens, Maaike Vancauwenberghe, Georges Jamart, Emmanuèle Bourgeois, Annelies Somers, Christine Mathieu, Aziz Naji, Martine Vanderstraeten
  • Eindbeslissing van de Ministerraad: 5/10/2012
  • Duur van het onderzoek: 1/1/2013 - 31/12/2017
  • Onderzoeksprojecten: 179


Op 5 oktober 2012 heeft de Ministerraad zijn akkoord gegeven voor de lancering van de eerste fase (2012-2017) van het recurrent onderzoeksprogramma BRAIN-be (Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplanary Networks).

Dit kaderprogramma beoogt zowel tegemoet te komen aan de wetenschappelijke kennisbehoeften van de Federale Departementen als het wetenschappelijk potentieel van de Federale Wetenschappelijke Instellingen (FWI's 1) te ondersteunen


Het kaderprogramma BRAIN-be is opgebouwd rond 6 thematische assen:

1. Ecosystemen, biodiversiteit, evolutie
2. Geosystemen, heelal en klimaat
3. Cultureel, historisch en wetenschappelijk erfgoed
4. Strategieën van de federale overheid
5. Belangrijke maatschappelijke uitdagingen
6. Collectiebeheer

BRAIN-be staat open voor de hele wetenschappelijke gemeenschap in België: universitaire instellingen, publieke wetenschappelijke inrichtingen en onderzoekscentra zonder winstoogmerk.

Het kaderprogramma steunt op financiering van twee soorten onderzoeksprojecten:
• netwerkprojecten (van vier jaar met een mogelijkheid van projecten van twee jaar) en,
• pioniersprojecten van maximum twee jaar.

Een oproep wordt elk jaar gelanceerd voor de twee soorten onderzoeksprojecten


BR/121/A2/AfReSlide: Grondverschuivingen in Equatoriaal Afrika: identificatie van culturele, technische en economisch efficiënte adaptatiestrategieën (AfReSlide)

BR/121/A2/MASC: Onderzoek naar en simulatie van de invloeden van landgebruik op het West-Europees klimaat (MASC)

BR/121/A2/PAMEXEA: Klimaatextremen in Oost-Afrika: oorzaken van variatie in tijd en ruimte (PAMEXEA)

BR/121/A2/QuakeRecNankai: Sedimentaire archieven van paleotsunami's en aardbevingen langsheen de Nankai Trog, Zuid-Centraal Japan (QuakeRecNankai)

BR/121/A2/STOCHCLIM: Verbetering van de voorspelling en representatie van klimaatprocessen door middel van stochastische parametrisatie schema's (STOCHCLIM)

BR/121/A2/TILES: Transnationale en Integrale Lange-termijn mariene Exploitatie Strategieën (TILES)

BR/121/A3/4DEMON: 4 decades of Belgian marine monitoring: uplifting historical data to today's needs (4DEMON)

BR/121/A3/BAREO: Belgische archeologische expedities naar het Nabije Oosten. Erfgoed in de federale instellingen (BAREO)

BR/121/A3/ELINC: Europees lakwerk in context: Kunsthistorische, technologische en chemische karakterisering van Europees lakwerk in federale collecties (ELINC)

BR/121/A3/GWB: The Great War from Below Multiple Mobility and Cultural Dynamics in Belgium (1900-1930) (GWB) 

BR/121/A3/MEMEXWWI: Erkentelijkheid en wrok: ervaringen en herinneringen aan de Grote Oorlog in België (MEMEX WWI)

BR/121/A3/PALEURAFRICA: De oorsprong van de moderne Europese fauna's gebaseerd op de Paleogene Midden-Afrikaanse collecties (PALEURAFRICA)

BR/121/A3/TIC-BELGIUM: Transnationaal België. Internationale organisaties en congressen rond de hervorming van de sociale wetgeving, 1815-1914 (TIC-BELGIUM)

BR/121/A5/2GENDERS: Generatie en Gender ENergy-armoede: Realiteit en Sociaal beleid (2GENDERS)

BR/121/A5/CAUSINEQ: Sociale ongelijkheid in gezondheid en sterfte in België: meervoudige dimensies, meervoudige oorzaken (CAUSINEQ)

BR/121/A5/CRESUS: Het meten en mobiliseren van vermogen voor een samenhangende, inclusieve en eerlijke samenleving (CRESUS)

BR/121/A5/FOOD4SUSTAINABILITY: Collectieve actie voor duurzame voedselsystemen in een context van klimaatverandering: evaluatie van sociale experimenten en beleidsinnovaties (FOOD4SUSTAINABILITY)

BR/121/A5/INTRAS: Ongelijkheden in verkeersveiligheid (INTRAS)

BR/121/A5/MEQIN: Bijvoorbeeld: Equivalente inkomens. De meting van individueel welzijn met Belgische gegevens (MEQIN)

BR/121/PI/BELPHG-21: Belgium Public Health Genomics: Methodology development linking ‘Health Survey’ and ‘Genomics’ data (BELPHG-21)

BR/121/PI/EES: Conservation, IF, UV and 3D-Imaging: the Egyptian Execration Statuettes of the RMAH (EES)

BR/121/PI/GENESORT: Is evolution repeatable? Introducing novel tools to unravel the genetics of parallel radiations (GENESORT)

BR/121/PI/GuilleMets: Disentangling the Masters of Guillebert de Mets: An Interdisciplinary Approach (GuilleMets)

BR/121/PI/NeoMI: A new environment for the organization of musical instruments (NeoMI)

BR/121/PI/Predisol: Characterization of active regions' time evolution in view of solar flare prediction (PREDISOL)

BR/121/PI/UAV_Reunion: UAV Deployment at Reunion Island for TCCON Calibration and Shipping Emissions Mapping (UAV_Reunion)

BR/13/MA/PONS: Project voor de Ontsluiting en ontwikkeling van Nieuwe Statistieken in het DWH AM&SB (PONS)

BR/132/A1/AFRIFORD: Genetische en paleo-ecologische aanwijzingen voor dynamiek van het Afrikaanse regenwoud: een aanpassing aan veranderingen? (AFRIFORD)

BR/132/A1/BELBEES: Multidisciplinaire evaluatie van de Belgische wilde bijen achteruitgang om de mitigerende beheersmaatregelen aan te passen (BELBEES)

BR/132/A1/DIARS-BE: Detection of plant invasive species and assessment of their impact on ecosystem properties through remote sensing (DIARS-BE)

BR/132/A1/EXOTIC-BE: EXperimentally Orientated genomics to Tackle Insects adaptive Challenges during bioinvasions: the ladybird Harmonia axyridis as a model species (EXOTIC-BE)

BR/132/A1/FORBIOCLIMATE: Adaptation potential of biodiverse forests in the face of climate change (FORBIOCLIMATE)

BR/132/A1/GENBAS: Genomische en gedragsaspecten van soortvorming bij cichliden (GENBAS)

BR/132/A1/INVAXEN-BE: INVAsive biology og WENopus laievis in Europe ecology, impact and predictive models (INVAXEN-BE)

BR/132/A1/RESIPATH-BE: Respons van Europese Bossen en Maatschappij op invasieve pathogenen (RESIPATH-BE)

BR/132/A1/VERSO: Ecosystem Responses to global change : a multiscale approach in the Southern Ocean (VERSO)

BR/132/A4/BCC: Meten van kost en impact van cybercrime in België (BCC)

BR/132/A4/Be-Gen: Begrijpen van de operationele, strategische en politieke implicaties van de nationaal genetische databank (Be-Gen)

BR/132/A4/BEL-Ageing: Vergrijzing, pensioensystemen, fiscale houdbaarheid en groei (BEL-Ageing)

BR/132/A4/BRAIN-TRAINS: BRAIN-TRansversal Assessment of Intermodal New Strategies (BRAIN-TRAINS)

BR/132/A4/HECTOR: Hybrid Electronic Curation, Transformation & Organization of Records (HECTOR)

BR/132/A4/INCh: Geïntegreerde netwerken in de strijd tegen kinderarmoede: een mixed-methods onderzoek naar netwerk governance en perspectieven van beleidsmakers, sociaal werkers en gezinnen in armoede (INCh)

BR/132/A4/JAM: Justitie en management: de uitdagingen voor de modernisering van justitie (JAM)

BR/132/A6/AIRCHECQ: Lucht Identificatie & Registratie voor Cultureel Erfgoed: Verbeteren van de luchtkwaliteit (AIRCHECQ)

BR/132/A6/AQUARES: AUitwisseling van Data en Services tussen Aquatische Soortenregisters (AQUARES)

BR/132/A6/EMERISDA-BE: Doeltreffendheid van methodes tegen opstijgend vocht in gebouwen: Europese praktijk en perspectief (EMERISDA-BE)

BR/132/A6/EURO-MAGIC: A million pictures: Magic Lantern Slide Heritage as Artefacts in the Common European History of Learning (EURO-MAGIC)

BR/132/A6/GEPATAR: GEotechnical and Patrimonial Archives Toolbox for ARchitectural conservation in Belgium (GEPATAR)

BR/132/A6/LFSTIME: A database on working conditions, hours and arrangements (LFS&TIME)

BR/132/A6/PAMIR: Een federaal portaal van atmosferische en mariene gegevens (PAMIR)

BR/132/A6/PRESPHOTO: Preservatie van microalgen in BCCM collecties (PRESPHOTO)

BR/132/A6/REDMONEST-BE1: Dynamisch monitoring netwerk voor bestaande structuren van Cultureel Erfgoed in beton (REDMONEST-BE1)

BR/132/A6/REDMONEST-BE2: Dynamisch monitoring netwerk voor bestaande structuren van Cultureel Erfgoed in beton (REDMONEST-BE2)

BR/132/PI/MAGICS: Mars Atmosphere Global Interactive Chemistry Simulator (MAGICS)

BR/132/PI/MELATIN-PRV: Mechanisms contributing to pseudorabies virus latency induction in domestic pigs in vivo (MELATIN-PRV)

BR/132/PI/PASTREE: New Plant Architectural Strategies and TerrestRialisation patterns in the Early Eifelian (PASTREE)

BR/132/PI/SMEAIS: Seismic Monitoring of the East-Antarctic Ice Sheet (SMEAIS)

BR/132/PI/TILAPIA: Tracing fish Introductions and LAteral Parasite transfer to Indigenous Aquatic fauna (TILAPIA)

BR/132/PI/VERONA: Van Eyck Research in OpeN Acces (VERONA)

BR/143/A2/AEROCLOUD: Hoe beïnvloeden aerosolen en wolken het klimaat in Oost Antarctica? (AEROCLOUD)

BR/143/A2/BRASS: De databank van fundamentele atomaire gegevens en sterrenspectra van België (BRASS)

BR/143/A2/COME-INN: Inwendige structuur en evolutie van Mercurius (COME-INN)

BR/143/A2/CORDEXbe: Combineren van regionale dowscaling expertise in Belgë: CORDEX en verder (

BR/143/A2/INDI67: Ontwikkeling van methodes om de monitoring van KRMS indicatoren 6 en 7 te verbeteren (INDI67)

BR/143/A2/METRO: Banen van meteoren en hun Oorsprong (METRO)

BR/143/A2/NEWSTHEPS: New Sampling Tools for Heritage & Emerging Pollutants to facilitate GES assessment in the Marine Environment (NEWSTHEPS)

BR/143/A2/SCOOP: Naar een synergetische studie van de atmosfeer van de terrestrische planeten (SCOOP)

BR/143/A2/STARLAB: Geëvolueerde sterren en hun schillen: Laboratoria van stellaire fysica (STARLAB)

BR/143/A3/COLDCASE: Heropening van de Bernissart Iguanodon Misdaad Scene (COLDCASE)

BR/143/A3/CONGOCONNECT: Connecties/Collecties: machtsobjecten en instituties in noordoost-Congo (1800-1960) (CONGOCONNECT)

BR/143/A3/EACOM: Egyptische en Afrikaanse kopermetallurgie in de Federale collecties: context, conservatie en erfgoedwaarde (EACOM)

BR/143/A3/GRESP-HEALTH: Impact van groene en blauwe ruimte op specifieke morbiditeit en mortaliteit in België (GRESP-HEALTH)

BR/143/A3/HERBAXYLAREDD: Interdisciplinaire exploitatie van het federaal Herbarium en Xylarium ten behoeve van tropisch bosbeheer (HERBAXYLAREDD)

BR/143/A3/IMMIBEL: Uitgesloten of verwelkomd? Clusters van buitenlandse inwijkelingen in België, c. 1840-1890 (IMMIBEL)

BR/143/A3/JUSINBELLGIUM: Een eeuw gangmakende jurisprudentie. Een digitale databank van Belgische precedenten in internationale rechtspraak, 1914-2014 (JUSINBELLGIUM)

BR/143/A5/ALPI: Beoordeling van beleidsinstrumenten ter ondersteuning van een koolstofarme maatschappij (ALPI)

BR/143/A5/IDEALIC: Digitale inclusie door empowerment en autonomie tijdens de levensloop (IDEALiC)

BR/143/A5/IECOMAT: Geïntegreerde modellering van materiaalstromen (IECOMAT)

BR/143/A5/LITME@WORK: Digitale en mediageletterdheid in werk op afstand en teamwerk (LITME@WORK)

BR/153/A5/MADDLAIN: Het identificeren van de noden met het oog op het moderniseren van de toegang tot digitale gegevens in bibliotheken en archieven (MADDLAIN)

BR/153/A5/SUSPENS: Verzoening van de ecologische en sociale doelen in de transitie naar een koolstofarme maatschappij (SUSPENS)


BR/154/A1/FaCE-It: Functionele biodiversiteit in sedimenten onderhevig aan verandering: implicaties voor de biogeochemie en voedselwebben in een management context (FaCE-It)

BR/154/A1/HIPE: Menselijke impact op de ecosysteemgezondheid en de natuurlijke rijkdommen van het Edwardmeer (HIPE)

BR/154/A1/PLASTOX: Direct and indirect ecotoxicological impacts of microplastics on marine organisms (PASTOX)

BR/154/A1/RECTO: Refugia en ecosysteem tolerantie in de Zuidelijke Oceaan (RECTO)

BR/154/A1/RespirIT: Exploratie en modellering van de spatio-temporele relaties tussen respiratoire gezondheid en biodiversiteit met behulp van individueel draagbare sensortechnologie (RespirIT)

BR/154/A1/WEATHER-MIC: Hoe de verwering van microplastics wijzigingen aanbrengt in het transport en de grootte van de deeltjes ervan, alsook in de letaliteit van de blootstelling eraan in het mariene milieu (WEATHER-MIC)

BR/154/A4/FLEXPUB: De nieuwe generatie van flexibele dienstverlening : de casus van geografische informatie (FLEXPUB)

BR/154/A4/IPSWICH: Werkende armen en veranderingen in werk, inkomen, en de gezinssamenstelling (IPSWICH)

BR/154/A4/MEHOBEL: Het monitoren van dakloosheid in België (MEHOBEL)

BR/154/A4/PSI-CO: PSI-CO : innovatie in de publieke sector door samenwerking

BR/154/A4/SOC: Seksuele delinquenten actief in en stoppen met criminaliteit : recidive, criminele carrières en desistance (SOC)

BR/154/A4/TAKE: TAKE : Armoedebestrijding door het verbeteren van de opname van sociale maatregelen door huishoudens en bedrijven

BR/154/A4/To²DeNano: Naar een toxicologisch relevante definitie van nanomaterialen (To²DeNano)

BR/154/A6/ADOCHS: Controle van data geproduceerd door digitaliseringstechnologieën in de culturele erfgoedsector (ADOCHS)

BR/154/A6/AMUNDSEN: Antarctische Meteorieten: curatie, digitalisering en conservatie (AMUNDSEN)

BR/154/A6/ARTGARDEN: Kunsttechnisch onderzoek en behoud van historische mixed-media ensembles: ‘Besloten Hofjes’ (Artgarden)

BR/154/A6/BEL-HORNET: Samenstelling van gehomogeniseerde lange-termijn klimatologische referentietijdsreeks (BEL-HORNET)

BR/154/A6/CHANGES-BE: Changes in cultural Heritage Activities: New Goals and benefits for Economy and Society (CHANGES-BE)

BR/154/A6/FINGERPRINT: Innovatief visueel databeheer voor collecties van tekeningen en prenten (FINGERPRINT)

BR/154/A6/SAFRED: Redden van zoetwaterbiodiversiteitgegevens (SAFRED)

BR/154/PI/IKARE: Kennisverbetering van de Emissies in het Amazoneregenwoud (IKARE)

BR/154/PI/MOLPLAN: Nieuwe bakermat van moleculen in de interstellaire ruimte: planetaire nevels (MOLPLAN)

BR/154/PI/RAVEN: RAdar registrations of bird migration Validation through an interdisciplinary approach (RAVEN)

BR/154/PI/SOL3CAM: Camera voor een 3D, langs de 'line-of-sight', simultane beeldvorming van de zon (SOL3CAM)

BR/154/PI/SYMDIV: SYMDIV : Symbiont diversiteit en voedingsstrategieën bij insect pestsoorten in de landbouw

BR/154/PI/WINGSANDLINKS: WINGS AND LINKS : Interdisciplinair onderzoek naar gebeeldhouwde retabels met beschilderde luiken

BR/164/A4/FACTAGE-BE: Fairer active ageing for Europe (FACTAGE-BE)

BR/165/A1/MICROBIAN: Diversiteit en functie van microbiomen in het Sør Rondane Gebergte, Oost-Antarctica (MICROBIAN)

BR/165/A1/TrIAS: Opvolging van Invasieve Uitheemse Soorten: Valoriseren van data ter ondersteuning van beleid en beheer (TrIAS)

BR/165/A2/CCSOM: Het afschatten van CME’s en schokken met waarnemingen en modellen doorheen het binnenste van de heliosfeer (CCSOM)

BR/165/A2/Mass2Ant: Massabalans van Oost-Antarctica in het Anthropoceen: observaties en multischaalmodellering (Mass2Ant)

BR/165/A2/RESPONSE: Modelleren van reactief transport van vervuiling door puntbronnen in bodem en grondwater (RESPONSE)

BR/165/A3/COBECORE: Opwaardering van gearchiveerde eco-klimatologische data uit het Kongobekken (COBECORE)

BR/165/A3/INSIGHT: Intelligente neurale systemen als geïntegreerde erfgoedinstrumenten (INSIGHT)

BR/165/A3/PASTECA: Onderzoek van milieuveranderingen in Centraal Afrika op basis van historische foto’s en archieven (PASTECA)

BR/165/A3/UGESCO: Tijdruimtelijke verrijking van (meta)data voor het optimaliseren van de exploratie en exploitatie van wetenschappelijke collecties (UGESCO)

BR/165/A3/VAL-U-SUN: Valorisatie van 70 jaar zonnewaarnemingen van de Koninklijke Sterrenwacht van België (VAL-U-SUN)

BR/165/A4/CIRCLE: Care and Income Redistributive Cycles in the Lives of Europeans (CIRCLE)

BR/165/A4/CONRAD: Een constructieve analyse van attitudes, beleid en programma’s met betrekking tot radicalisering (CONRAD)

BR/165/A4/CREW: Zorg, pensioen en welzijn van ouderen in verschillende welzijnssectoren (CREW)

BR/165/A4/IM²MEDIATE: Beeld van immigranten in de media: effecten ter reflectie (IM²MEDIATE)

BR/165/A4/IMMIGBEL: Naar een betere arbeidsmarktpositie voor mensen met een migratieachtergrond (IMMIGBEL)

BR/165/A6/METOX: Metaal oxalaten in 15e-16e eeuwse Zuid-Nederlandse olieverfschilderijen (METOX)

BR/165/PI/NPSSAY: Ontwikkeling en implementatie van een receptor activatie assay voor nieuwe psychotrope substanties (NPSSAY)

BR/165/PI/PMOLLUGENIX-V2: Strategie om de gezondheidsrisico's voor kwetsbare individuen tijdens episodes van luchtvervuiling te evalueren (PMOlluGENix-V2)

BR/165/PI/SACH4: Toekenning van de processen die bijdragen tot het methaan budget met behulp van satelliet gegevens, isotoopmetingen en GEOS-Chem simulaties (SACH4)

BR/165/PI/TEMAS: Thesaurus van vroegmoderne archiefbronnen (TEMAS)

BR/165/PI/TRAIL: Trojaanse slakken: de rol van gastropode slakken in ziekteoverdracht ontrafelen met behulp van geavanceerde moleculaire technieken (TRAIL)

BR/175/A1/BIO-Tide-BE: The role of microbial biodiversity in the functioning of marine tidal flat sediments (BIO-Tide-BE)

BR/175/A1/BIOVEINS-BE: Connectivity of green and blue infrastructures: living veins for biodiverse and healthy cities (BIOVEINS-BE)

BR/175/A1/CLIMARCTIC-BE: Climate change impacts on Arctic soil and lake microbiomes (CLIMARCTIC-BE)

BR/175/A1/FUNgreen-BE: Functional connectivity and green infrastructure (FUNgreen-BE)

BR/175/A1/IMAGINE-BE: Integrative Management of Green Infrastructures Multifunctionality, Ecosystem integrity and Ecosystem Services: From assessment to regulation in socio-ecological systems (IMAGINE-BE)

BR/175/A1/ORCA: Een vergelijkende studie naar de impact van biologische en conventionele landbouw op aquatische systemen (ORCA)

BR/175/A1/PERSUADE: Experimenteel onderzoek naar een toekomstig duurzaam gebruik van artificiële harde substraten in de Noordzee (PERSUADE)

BR/175/A1/REPEAT-BE: REstoration and prognosis of PEAT formation in fens - linking diversity in plant functional traits to soil biological and biogeochemical processes (REPEAT-BE)

BR/175/A1/SoilForEUROPE-BE: Predicting European forest soil biodiversity and its functioning under climate change (SoilForEUROPE-BE)

BR/175/A1/URBANGAIA-BE: Managing urban Biodiversity and Green Infrastructure to increase city resilience (URBANGAIA-BE)

BR/175/A1/UrbanMycoserve-BE: Understanding and Managing Urban Ectomycorrhizal Fungi Communities to Increase the Health and Ecosystem Service Provisioning of Urban Trees (UrbanMycoserve-BE)

BR/175/A1/WOODNET-BE: Connectivity patterns and processes along a gradient of European landscapes with woody vegetation and spatial heterogeneity (WOODNET-BE)

BR/175/A2/BAMM: Belgische Antarctische Meteorieten en Micrometeorieten om de evolutie van het zonnestelsel te documenteren (BAMM!)

BR/175/A2/CHASE: Het ontrafelen van fijnstofchemie in Dronning Maud Land: van atmosfeer tot sneeuwoppervlak (CHASE)

BR/175/A2/CHICXULUB: Chicxulub, IODP-ICDP 2016 boring, van krater tot aan massa uitsterving (CHICXULUB)

BR/175/A2/CIREG: Climate information for integrated renewable electricity generation (CIREG)

BR/175/A2/CO-CLI-SERV: Co-development of place-based climate services for action (CO-CLI-SERV)

BR/175/A2/DIABASE: De Antarctische sokkel ontsluieren door het bemonsteren van ijsveldmorenes (DIABASE)

BR/175/A2/OCTAVE: Zuurstofhoudende organische verbindingen in de tropische atmosfeer: variabiliteit en atmosfeer-biosfeer uitwisseling (OCTAVE)

BR/175/A3/FENESTRA: 800 Jaar beglazingsgeschiedenis. Vlakglas en glasramen in de Federale Wetenschappelijke Instellingen (FENESTRA)

BR/175/A3/HOTSPOTS: Social Hotspots. Procesdossiers als bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de vroegmoderne Nederlanden (HOTSPOTS)

BR/175/A3/IMPRESS: Voorbij het levensbeschouwelijke conflict: religie en vrijzinnigheid in de Belgische medische pers (1840-1914) IMPRESS

BR/175/A3/NAMED: Invloed van natuur op verdeling mentale gezondheid (NAMED)

BR/175/A3/NEANDERTHAL-3D: Beheer en valorisatie van de gedigitaliseerde Belgische collectie menselijke resten (NEANDERTHAL-3D)

BR/175/A3/ORNASACRA: Ornamenta sacra. Iconologische studie van het liturgische erfgoed uit de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (1400-1700) ORNASACRA

BR/175/A3/PHOTO-LIT: De Belgische fotoroman: het lokale hergebruik van een Europese culturele praktijk (PHOTO-LIT)

BR/175/A3/PHySICAL: Grondige studie naar waterige en solvent-interacties bij de reiniging van Aziatisch lakwerk (PHySICAL)

BR/175/A3/PROMISE: Het bewaren van veelsoortige online informatie: naar een Belgische strategie (PROMISE)

BR/175/A3/TRANSMEMO: Het Verdriet van België: de familiale transmissie van de herinneringen aan de Tweede Wereldoorlog (TRANSMEMO)

BR/175/A4/AFFECT: Evaluatie van de impact van het Belgisch de-radicaliseringsbeleid op de sociale cohesie en (sociale) rechten (AFFECT)

BR/175/A4/FAR: Mensen, Autoriteiten en Radicalisme: tussen polarisatie en sociale constructie (FAR)

BR/175/A4/IPVPRO: Partnergeweld: impact, processen, evoluties en beleid in België (IPV-PRO&POL)

BR/175/A4/MIGRADAPT: Migratie als Antwoord op Milieu-en klimaatverandering. Een Belgisch Perspectief (MIGRADAPT)

BR/175/A5/PUMOMIG: Publieke opinie, (burger)actie, en beleid m.b.t. asielzoekers en vluchtelingen binnen een anti-immigratie context (Europa en België)(PUMOMIG)

BR/175/A5/UN-MENAMAIS: Een beter begrip van mechanismes, aard, omvang en impact van seksueel geweld in België (UN-MENAMAIS)

BR/175/PI/3DSPECTRAL: Geheimen ontmaskerd: Multispectrale 3D digitalisatie van Cultureel Erfgoed en Natuurhistorische Collecties (3DSpectral)

BR/175/PI/CARNAGES: Kritische analyse van het succes van de carnivore zoogdieren in de vroegste tijden (CARNAGES)

BR/175/PI/GEN-EX: Metagenomica van extreme vloedgolven (GEN-EX)

BR/175/PI/PARAWINGS: Uitbreiding van genomische methoden voor het ontrafelen van parallelle vleugelontwikkeling binnen brede evolutionaire takken (PARAWINGS)

BR/175/PI/PIXEL: Universal Web Interface for Interactie Pixel-Based File Formats (PIXEL+)

BR/175/PI/ROBOSWOP: Robotische Ruimteweer Operator (RoboSWOP)

BR/185/A1/GloBAM-BE: Towards monitoring, Understanding and forecasting global biomass flows of aerial migrants (GLOBAM-BE)

BR/314/PI/APTADRU: Een selectieve biosensor verwerkt in een handschoen voor de opsporing ter plaatse van cocaïne (APTADRU)

BR/314/PI/BELVIRMUS-WW2: Belgisch Virtueel Museum over de Tweede Wereldoorlog (BELVIRMUS-WW2)

BR/314/PI/LATTECO: Laterale genoverdracht als een radicaal nieuw mechanisme voor ecologische adaptaties (LATTECO)

BR/314/PI/LOTIDE: Lokale getijdenverwarming op Enceladus (LOTIDE)

BR/314/PI/SPADE: Een volledig digitaal prototype van een fasegestuurde antenne-array en radiospectrograaf voor de zon (SPADE)

BR/314/PI/SPIDER: Bepaling van de zonne-irradiantie uit de energieproductie van huishoudelijke foto-voltaische installaties (SPIDER)

BR/314/PI/SYRPINTINE: Studie van zweefvliegen-plant interacties aan de hand van nieuwe-generatie sequentie technologieën (SYRPINTINE)


Ecotoxicological effects of microplastics in marine ecosystems (EPHEMARE) : final report Beiras, Ricardo  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2850)
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Towards a synergistic study of the atmosphere of terrestrial planets (SCOOP) : final report Vandaele, Ann Carine - Ritter, Birgit - Gloesener, Elodie ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2851)
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Belgian Virtual Museum of World War II (BELVIRMUS-WWW2) : final report Brulard, Margot  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2018 (SP2852)
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UAV Deployment at Reunion Island for TCCON Validation and Shipping Emission Mapping (UAV-REUNION) : final report Merlaud,Alexis - De Maziere, Martine - Desmet, Filip ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2016 (SP2853)
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Technical report of the first test campaign to perform aircore flights onboard a telecommanded parafoil system at Sodankyla (UAV-REUNION) : annex 1 Merlaud,Alexis - De Maziere, Martine - Desmet, Filip ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2854)
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Origin of the European modern faunas through Palaeogene Central Africa collections (PalEurAfrica) : final report Smith, Thierry - De Putter, Thierry - Louwye, Stephen ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3021)
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De oorsprong van de moderne Europese faunas gebaseerd op de Paleogene Midden-Afrikanse collecties : samenvatting Smith, Thierry - De Putter, Thierry - Louwye, Stephen ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2021 (SP3022)
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The Impact of Cybercrime on Belgian Businesses (BCC) : final report Paoli, Letizia - Visscher, Jonas - Verstraeten, Cedric ... et al  Brussels : Belgian scientific Policy, 2017 (SP2714)
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Conservation,IR, UV and 3D-imaging: The Egyptian Execration Statuettes Project (EES) : final report 2017 Delvaux, Luc - Hameeuw, Hendrik - Van der Perre, Athena.... et al  Brussels : Belgian scientific Policy, 2017 (SP2724)
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Van Eyck research in Open Access (VERONA) : final report 2017 Currie, Christina - Jones, Susan - Fransen Bart  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2017 (SP2725)
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Les Maîtres de Guillebert de Mets (GuilleMets) : une approche interdisciplinaire : rapport final Vanwijnsberghe, Dominique - Van Bos, Marina  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2016 (SP2726)
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Assessment of Low Carbon Policy Instruments (ALPI) : final report Buysse, Jeroen - de Frutos Cachorro, Julia - Busselaers, Jan ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2730)
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Monitoring dynamic network for existing structures of concrete cultural patrimony (REDMONEST-BE2 ) : final report Courard, Luc - Marie-Victoire, Elisabeth - Olmi, Roberto ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2741)
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Identifying Needs to Modernize Access to Digital Data in Libraries and Archives (MADDLAIN) : final report Gillet, Florence - Hungenaert, Jill - Hodza, Melissa... et al  Brussels : Belgian scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2746)
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Inequalities in Traffic Safety (INTRAS) : final report Brijs, Kris - Silverans, Peter - Cools, Mario... et al  Brussels : Belgian scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2747)
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Solar Irradiation From the Energy Production of Residential PV systems (SPIDER) : final report Bertrand, Cedric - Housmans, Caroline - Leloux, Jonahtan.... et al  Brussels : Belgian scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2755)
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Localized Tidal Heating on Enceladus (LOTIDE) : final report Beuthe, Michael  Brussels : Belgian scientific Policy, 2017 (SP2756)
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Syrphidae Plant Interactions Introducing Next Generation Sequencing Technologies (SYRPINTINE) : final report Jordaens, Kurt - Janssens, Steven - De Smet, Yannick  Brussels : Belgian scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2757)
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Measuring Homelessness in Belgium (MEHOBEL) : final report 2018 Demaerschalk, E. - Italiano, P. - Mondelaers, N. ... et al.  Brussels: Belgian Scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2773)
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Measuring Homelessness in Belgium (MEHOBEL) :Annex 1 working paper Shepers, Wouter - Nicaise, Ides  Brussels: Belgian Scientific Policy, 2017 (SP2774)
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Measuring Homelessness in Belgium (MEHOBEL) :Annex 2 working paper Bircan, Tuba - Schockaert, Ingrid - Nicaise, Ides  Brussels: Belgian Scientific Policy, 2017 (SP2775)
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Justice and Management: the stakes for the transition to a modernized judicial (JAM) : final report SCHOENAERS, Frédéric - DUPONT, Emilie - GIBENS, Steven ... et al.  Brussels: Belgian Scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2776)
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Justice and Management: the stakes for the transition to a modernized judicial (JAM) : samenvatting SCHOENAERS, Frédéric - DUPONT, Emilie - GIBENS, Steven ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2018 (SP2777)
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Justice and Management: the stakes for the transition to a modernized judicial (JAM) : résumé SCHOENAERS, Frédéric - DUPONT, Emilie - GIBENS, Steven ... et al.  Brussel : Politique Scientifique fédérale, 2018 (SP2778)
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Justice and Management: the stakes for the transition to a modernized judicial (JAM) : summary SCHOENAERS, Frédéric - DUPONT, Emilie - GIBENS, Steven ... et al.  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2779)
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Combining regional downscaling expertise in Belgium: CORDEX and beyond : final report Termonia, Piet - Van Schaeybroeck, Bert - De Cruz, Lesley ... et al  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2780)
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A Portal to Atmospheric and Marine Information Resources (PAMIR) : final report De Rudder, Anne - Scory, Serge - Van Malderen, Roeland ... et al.  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2781)
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A Portal to Atmospheric and Marine Information Resources (PAMIR) : Pamir report on metada Vandenberghe, T. - Christophe, Y. - Van Malderen, Roeland ... et al.  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2782)
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A Portal to Atmospheric and Marine Information Resources (PAMIR) : samenvatting De Rudder, Anne - Scory, Serge - Van Malderen, Roeland ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2018 (SP2783)
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Un portail de données atmosphériques et marines (PAMIR) : résumé De Rudder, Anne - Scory, Serge - Van Malderen, Roeland ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique Scientifique Fédérale, 2018 (SP2784)
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A Portal to Atmospheric and Marine Information Resources (PAMIR) : summary Vandenberghe, T. - Christophe, Y. - Van Malderen, Roeland ... et al.  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2785)
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Integrated networks to combat child poverty: a mixed methods research on network governance and perspectives of policy makers, social workers and families in poverty (INCh) : final report Vermeiren, Caroline - Van Haute, Dorien - Jaquet, Nicolas ... et al.  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2786)
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Project for the Operation and development of New Statistics in the LM&SP DWH (PONS) : final report 2017 Laenen, Silke - Scholiers, Bart - Mathy, Anne-Laure  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2017 (SP2787)
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New cradles of molecules in interstellar space: planetary nebulae (MOLPLAN) : final report Van de Steene, Griet - van Hoof, Peter  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2788)
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Collective action for sustainable food systems in a changing climate: assessing social experimentations and policy innovations (FOOD4SUSTAINABILITY) : final report Bui, Sibylle - Ionara, Da Costa - De Schutter, Olivier ... et al.  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2789)
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Interdisciplinary Research on Sculpted Altarpieces and Painted Wings (I/WINGS AND LINKS) : final report Henderiks, Valentine - Fransen, Bart - Van Eyck, Elisabeth  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2790)
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BRAIN-TRansversal Assessment of Intermodal New Strategies (BRAIN-TRAINS) : final report Troch, Frank - Tawfik, Christine - Mostert, Martine ... et al.  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2791)
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4 Decades of Belgian Marine Monitoring: Uplifting historical data to today’s needs (4DEMON) : final report Lagring, Ruth - De Witte, Bavo - Sabbe, Koen ... et al.  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2792)
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Saving Freshwater Biodiversity Research Data (SAFRED) : final report Martens, Koen - De Wever, Aaike - Lemmers, Pieter ... et al.  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2793)
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Transnational Belgium. International social and legal reform organizations and congresses, 1815-1914 (TIC Belgium) : final report D'haeninck, Thomas - Rnderaad, Nico - Rousseaux, Xavier ... et al.  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2794)
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In-work poverty and shifts in work, income, and the composition of households (IPSWICH) : final report 2018 Vandekerckhove, Sem - Lenaerts, Karolien - Horemans, Jeroen ... et al.  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2795)
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Improving the representation and prediction of climate processes through stochastic parameterization schemes (STOCHCLIM) : final report Vannitsem, Stephane - Crucifix, Michel -Termonia, Piet ... et al.  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2796)
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Belgian Cost of Cybercrime: Measuring cost and impact of cybercrime in Belgium (BCC) : final report Paoli, letizia - Van Hellemont, Elke - Verstraete, Cedric ... et al.  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2018 (SP2797)
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Understanding the operational, strategic, and political implications of the National Genetic Database (Be-Gen) : final report Stappers, Caroline - De Moor, Sabine - Gallala, Ines ... et al.  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2019 (SP2799)
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Understanding the operational, strategic, and political implications of the National Genetic Database (Be-Gen) : annexes to the final report Stappers, Caroline - De Moor, Sabine - Gallala, Ines ... et al.  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2019 (SP2800)
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A million pictures: Magic Lantern Slide Heritage as Artefacts in the Common European History of Learning : final report 2018 (EURO-MAGIC) Lenk, Sabine - Wynants, Nele - Vanhoutte, Kurt ... et al.  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2019 (SP2801)
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Measuring Equivalent Incomes : final report (MEQIN) Schokkaert, Erik - Cantillon, Béa - De Rock, Bram ... et al.  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2019 (SP2802)
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Transnational and Integrated Long-term Marine Exploitation Strategies : final report (TILES) Van Lancker, Vera - De Batist, Marc - De Tre, Guy ... et al.  Brussels : Scientific Policy, 2019 (SP2804)
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Towards a toxicologically-relevant definition of nanomaterials (To²DeNano) : final report Hoet,Peter - Godderis, Lode - Murugadoss, Sivakumar ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian scientific Policy, 2019 (SP2809)
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Towards a toxicologically-relevant definition of nanomaterials (To²DeNano) : annexes to final report Hoet,Peter - Godderis, Lode - Murugadoss, Sivakumar ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian scientific Policy, 2019 (SP2810)
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Towards a toxicologically-relevant definition of nanomaterials (To²DeNano) : Annex Workpackage 3 and 4 Hoet,Peter - Godderis, Lode - Murugadoss, Sivakumar ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian scientific Policy, 2019 (SP2811)
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Ecosystem Responses to global change : a multiscale approach in the Southern Ocean (vERSO) : final report Danis, Bruno - Dubois, Philippe - De Ridder, Chantal ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian scientific Policy, 2019 (SP2812)
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A fully digital prototype of a phased-array radio solar spectrograph (SPADE) : final report Marqué, Christophe - Picar, Antonio Martinez  Brussels :Scientific Policy, 2019 (SP2814)
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Improving Knowledge of the Amazon Rainforest Emissions (IKARE) : final report Vigouroux, Corinne - Dils, Bart - Aquino, Carlos Augusto Bauer al.  Brussels :Scientific Policy, 2019 (SP2815)
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Lateral gene transfer as a radically novel mechanism for ecological adaptations(LATTECO) : final report Schön, Isa  Brussels :Scientific Policy, 2019 (SP2816)
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Ecotoxicological effects of microplastics in marine ecosystems (WEATHER-MIC) : final report TOORMAN, Erik - WONGSOREDJO, Samor - BI, Qilong ... et al.  Brussels :Scientific Policy, 2019 (SP2817)
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RAdar registrations of bird migration Validation through an interdisciplinary approach (RAVEN) : final report Brabant, Robin - Reyniers, Maarten - Lukach, Maryna ... et al.  Brussels :Scientific Policy, 2019 (SP2818)
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Air Identification Registration for Cultural Heritage: Enhancing Climate Quality (AIRCHECQ) : final report Schalm, Olivier - De Wael, Karolien - Demeyer, Serge ... et al.  Brussels :Belgian Scientific Policy, 2019 (SP2819)
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Air Identification Registration for Cultural Heritage: Enhancing Climate Quality (AIRCHECQ) : summary Schalm, Olivier - De Wael, Karolien - Demeyer, Serge ... et al.  Brussels :Belgian Scientific Policy, 2019 (SP2820)
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Air Identification Registration for Cultural Heritage: Enhancing Climate Quality (AIRCHECQ) : samenvatting Schalm, Olivier - De Wael, Karolien - Demeyer, Serge ... et al.  Brussel :Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2019 (SP2821)
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Air Identification Registration for Cultural Heritage: Enhancing Climate Quality (AIRCHECQ) : résumé Schalm, Olivier - De Wael, Karolien - Demeyer, Serge ... et al.  Bruxelles :Politique scientifique fédérale, 2019 (SP2822)
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Measuring and mobilizing wealth for a cohesive, inclusive and fair society (CRESUS) : final report Kuypers, Sarah - Decoster, André - Klimaviciute, Justina ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2823)
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Het meten en mobiliseren van vermogen voor een samenhangende, inclusieve en eerlijke samenleving (CRESUS) : samenvatting Kuypers, Sarah - Decoster, André - Klimaviciute, Justina ... et al.  Brussel :Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2019 (SP2824)
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La mesure et la mobilisation de la richesse pour une société cohésive, inclusive et équitable (CRESUS) : résumé Kuypers, Sarah - Decoster, André - Klimaviciute, Justina ... et al.  Bruxelles :Politique scientifique fédérale, 2019 (SP2825)
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Measuring and mobilizing wealth for a cohesive, inclusive and fair society (CRESUS) : summary Kuypers, Sarah - Decoster, André - Klimaviciute, Justina ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2826)
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Generation and Gender ENergy DEprivation : realities and Social policies (2GENDERS): final report Bartiaux, Françoise - Bondiaux, Anne - Vandenschrick, Christophe ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2827)
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Generation and Gender ENergy DEprivation : realities and Social policies (2GENDERS): summary Bartiaux, Françoise - Bondiaux, Anne - Vandenschrick, Christophe ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2828)
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Vulnérabilité ÉNergétique selon la Génération et le Genre : réalités et politiques sociales (2GENDERS) : résumé Bartiaux, Françoise - Bondiaux, Anne - Vandenschrick, Christophe ... et al.  Bruxelles :Politique scientifique fédérale, 2019 (SP2829)
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Generatie en Gender ENergy-armoede: Realiteit en Sociaal beleid (2GENDERS) : samenvatting Bartiaux, Françoise - Bondiaux, Anne - Vandenschrick, Christophe ... et al.  Brussel :Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2019 (SP2830)
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Public opinion, mobilisations and policies concerning asylum seekers and refugees in anti-immigrants times (Europe and Belgium) PUMOMIG : final report 2019 Mazzola, Alessandro - Mescoli, Elsa - Roblain, Antoine ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2831)
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Multidisciplinary assessment of BELgian wild BEE decline to adapt mitigation management policy (BELBEES) : final report Rasmont, Pierre - Boevé, Jean-Luc - de Graaf, Dirk ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2832)
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Detection of Invasive plant species and Assessment of their impact on ecosystem properties through Remote Sensing (DIARS) : final report Van De Kerchove  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2833)
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Development and implementation of a new psychoactive substances receptor activation assay (NPSSAY) : final report Wille, Sarah - Stove, Christophe - Cannaert, Annelies ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2834)
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Thesaurus of Early Modern Archival Sources (TEMAS) : final report Vrancken, Valerie -Put, Eddy - Aerts, Erik ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2835)
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Constructive analysis on the attitudes, policies and programmes that relate to radicalisation (CONRAD) : final report De Backer,Mattias - Aertsen, Ivo - Bousetta, Hassan ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2836)
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Social ecology of the Brussels Canal Zone (CONRAD) : annex I De Backer,Mattias - Aertsen, Ivo - Bousetta, Hassan ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2837)
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The social ecology of Verviers—Hodimont (CONRAD) : annex II of final report De Backer,Mattias - Aertsen, Ivo - Bousetta, Hassan ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2838)
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European policy analysis (CONRAD) : annex III of final report De Backer,Mattias - Aertsen, Ivo - Bousetta, Hassan ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2839)
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Framing analysis (CONRAD) : annex IV of final report De Backer,Mattias - Aertsen, Ivo - Bousetta, Hassan ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2840)
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Policy letter (CONRAD) De Backer,Mattias - Aertsen, Ivo - Bousetta, Hassan ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2841)
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Constructive analysis on the attitudes, policies and programmes that relate to radicalisation (CONRAD) : summary De Backer,Mattias - Aertsen, Ivo - Bousetta, Hassan ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2842)
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Een constructieve analyse van attitudes, beleid en programma’s met betrekking tot radicalisering (CONRAD) : samenvatting 2019 De Backer,Mattias - Aertsen, Ivo - Bousetta, Hassan ... et al.  Brussel :Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2019 (SP2843)
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Une analyse constructive des attitudes, des politiques et des programmes en ce qui concerne la radicalisation (CONRAD) : résumé De Backer,Mattias - Aertsen, Ivo - Bousetta, Hassan ... et al.  Bruxelles :Politique scientifique fédérale, 2019 (SP2844)
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Tracing fish Introductions and lateral parasite transfer to Indigenous Aquatic fauna (TILAPIA) : final report 2017 Huyse, Tine - Michiel, Jorissen - Vanhove, Maarten  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2845)
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Integrated economic modeling of material flows (IECOMAT) : final report Eyckmans, Johan - Rousseau, Sandra - Garcia Barragan, Juan ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2846)
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Integrated economic modeling of material flows (IECOMAT) : summary Eyckmans, Johan - Rousseau, Sandra - Garcia Barragan, Juan ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2847)
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Geïntegreerde modellering van materiaalstromen (IECOMAT) : samenvatting Eyckmans, Johan - Rousseau, Sandra - Garcia Barragan, Juan ... et al.  Brussel :Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2019 (SP2848)
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Modelisation integrée des flux de matériaux (IECOMAT) : résumé Eyckmans, Johan - Rousseau, Sandra - Garcia Barragan, Juan ... et al.  Bruxelles :Politique scientifique fédérale, 2019 (SP2849)
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Technical report of the second campaign to perform aircore flights onboard a telecommanded flying wing system at Sodankyla (UAV-REUNION) : annex 2 Merlaud,Alexis - De Maziere, Martine - Desmet, Filip ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2855)
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Technical report of the Transnational Access (TNA) campaign to perform EM27/SUN measurements and testing of a telecommanded flying wing system at Sodankyla (UAV-REUNION) : annex 3 Merlaud,Alexis - De Maziere, Martine - Desmet, Filip ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2856)
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Technical report on the first EM27/SUN measurement campaign at Ile de La Réunion (UAV-REUNION) : annex 4 Merlaud,Alexis - De Maziere, Martine - Desmet, Filip ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2857)
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Constraining Mercury’s interior structure and evolution (COME-IN) : final report Van Hoolst, Tim - Charlier, Bernard - Cottenier, Stefaan ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2858)
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Extending the genomic toolbox to decipher lineage-wide parallel wing evolution (PARAWINGS) : final report Henderickx,Frederik - De Corte, Zoé  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2859)
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A Century of Pioneering Case-Law. A Digital Database of Belgian Precedents of International Justice, 1914-2014 (JUSINBELLGIUM) : final report 2020 Rovetta, Ornella - Lauwers, Delphine - Vandekerckhove, Hendrick ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2860)
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A Century of Pioneering Case-Law. A Digital Database of Belgian Precedents of International Justice, 1914-2014 (JUSINBELLGIUM) :annex of final report 2020 Rovetta, Ornella - Lauwers, Delphine - Vandekerckhove, Hendrick ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2861)
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Mapping the presence of and enhancing substance use treatment for migrants and ethnic minorities (MATREMI): final report 2020 De Kock, Charlotte - Mascia, Carla - Laudens, Fred... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2862)
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The Great War from Below (GWB). Multiple Mobility and Cultural Dynamics in Belgium during and after the First World War : final report Wouters, Nico  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2866)
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The Great War from Below (GWB). Multiple Mobility and Cultural Dynamics in Belgium during and after the First World War : annex1 Charon, Arnaud  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2867)
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The Great War from Below (GWB). Multiple Mobility and Cultural Dynamics in Belgium during and after the First World War : annex2 Verfaillie, Florent  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2868)
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The Great War from Below (GWB). Multiple Mobility and Cultural Dynamics in Belgium during and after the First World War : annex3 Wouters, Nico  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2869)
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The Great War from Below (GWB). Multiple Mobility and Cultural Dynamics in Belgium during and after the First World War : annex4 Wouters, Nico  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2870)
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The Great War from Below (GWB). Multiple Mobility and Cultural Dynamics in Belgium during and after the First World War : annex5 Wouters, Nico  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2871)
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The Great War from Below (GWB). Multiple Mobility and Cultural Dynamics in Belgium during and after the First World War : annex6 Wouters, Nico  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2872)
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The Great War from Below (GWB). Multiple Mobility and Cultural Dynamics in Belgium during and after the First World War : summary Wouters, Nico  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2873)
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Preserving Online Multiple Information: towards a Belgian strategy (PROMISE) : final report 2020 Di Pretoro, Emmanuel - Geeraert, Friedel - Mechant, Peter ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2881)
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Preserving Online Multiple Information: towards a Belgian strategy (PROMISE) : summary Di Pretoro, Emmanuel - Geeraert, Friedel - Mechant, Peter ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2882)
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Het bewaren van veelsoortige online informatie: naar een Belgische strategie (PROMISE) : samenvatting Di Pretoro, Emmanuel - Geeraert, Friedel - Mechant, Peter ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2020 (SP2883)
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Préserver les multiples informations en ligne : vers une stratégie belge (PROMISE) : résumé Di Pretoro, Emmanuel - Geeraert, Friedel - Mechant, Peter ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2020 (SP2884)
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Upscaling the Geo-temporal Enrichment, exploration and exploitation of Scientific COllections (UGESCO) : final report 2020 Verstockt, Steven  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2885)
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Upscaling the Geo-temporal Enrichment, exploration and exploitation of Scientific COllections (UGESCO) : summary Verstockt, Steven  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2886)
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Tijdruimtelijke verrijking van (meta)data voor het optimaliseren van de exploratie en exploitatie van wetenschappelijke collecties (UGESCO) : samenvatting Verstockt, Steven  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2020 (SP2887)
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Enrichissement Spatio-temporel des métadonnées pour améliorer l'exploration et l'exploitation des collections scientifiques (UGESCO) : résumé Verstockt, Steven  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2020 (SP2888)
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Direct and indirect ecotoxicological impacts of microplastics on marine organisms (PLASTOX) : final report 2020 Booth, Andy  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2889)
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How do aerosols and clouds affect the East Antarctic climate? (AEROCLOUD) : final report van Lipzig, Nicole - De Backer, Hugo - Van Roozendael, Michel al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2890)
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Evolved stars and their shells: Laboratories for stellar physics (STARLAB) : final report Decin, Leen - Escorza, Ana - Goriely, Stéphane al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2891)
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Geëvolueerde sterren en hun schillen: Laboratoria van stellaire fysica (STARLAB) : samenvatting Decin, Leen - Escorza, Ana - Goriely, Stéphane al.  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2020 (SP2892)
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Etoiles évoluées et leur enveloppe: Laboratoires de physique stellaire (STARLAB) : résumé Decin, Leen - Escorza, Ana - Goriely, Stéphane al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2020 (SP2893)
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Evolved stars and their shells: Laboratories for stellar physics (STARLAB) :summary Decin, Leen - Escorza, Ana - Goriely, Stéphane al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2894)
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Constraining Mercury’s interior structure and evolution (COME-IN) : summary Van Hoolst, Tim - Charlier, Bernard - Cottenier, Stefaan ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2895)
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Structure interne et évolution de Mercure (COME-IN) : résumé Van Hoolst, Tim - Charlier, Bernard - Cottenier, Stefaan ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2020 (SP2896)
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Inwendige structuur en evolutie van Mercurius(COME-IN) : samenvatting Decin, Leen - Escorza, Ana - Goriely, Stéphane al.  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2020 (SP2897)
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The Great War from Below (GWB). Multiple Mobility and Cultural Dynamics in Belgium during and after the First World War : summary Wouters, Nico  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2898)
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The Great War from Below (GWB). Multiple Mobility and Cultural Dynamics in Belgium during and after the First World War : samenvatting Wouters, Nico  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2020 (SP2899)
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The Great War from Below (GWB). Multiple Mobility and Cultural Dynamics in Belgium during and after the First World War : résumé Wouters, Nico  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2020 (SP2900)
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Developments of Indicators to improve monitoring of MSFD descriptors 6 and 7 (INDI67) : final report Fettweis, Michael - Toorman, Eric - Verney, Romaric ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2901)
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The Belgian Repository of fundamental Atomic data and Stellar Spectra (BRASS) : final report Lobel, Alex - Royer, Pierre - Martayan, Christophe ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2902)
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The Belgian Repository of fundamental Atomic data and Stellar Spectra (BRASS) : samanvatting Lobel, Alex - Royer, Pierre - Martayan, Christophe ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2020 (SP2903)
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The Belgian Repository of fundamental Atomic data and Stellar Spectra (BRASS) : résumé Lobel, Alex - Royer, Pierre - Martayan, Christophe ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2020 (SP2904)
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The Belgian Repository of fundamental Atomic data and Stellar Spectra (BRASS) : summary Lobel, Alex - Royer, Pierre - Martayan, Christophe ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2905)
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Changes in cultural Heritage Activities: New Goals and benefits for Economy and Society : final report 2018 Van Balen, Koenraad - Naldini, Silvia - Gustafsson, Christer ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2906)
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Joint Programming Initiative Cultural Heritage and Global Change - Heritage Plus Call - Final report : annex (CHANGES-BE) Van Balen, Koenraad - Naldini, Silvia - Gustafsson, Christer ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2907)
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Policy support concerning rainforest carbon stocks and timber trade (POLCARTIM): final report
Valorisation of the BRAIN-be project AFRIFORD - HERBAXYLAREDD (Axis 1 & 3)
Beeckman, Hans  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2914)
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Predicting European forest soil biodiversity and its functioning under climate change (SoilForEUROPE) : final report Vrancken, Liesbet  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2915)
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Egyptian and African Copper Metallurgy (EACOM) : final report Delvaux, Luc - Marot, Laurence - Degryse, Patrick ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2916)
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Egyptian and African Copper Metallurgy (EACOM) : samenvatting Delvaux, Luc - Marot, Laurence - Degryse, Patrick ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2917)
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Egyptian and African Copper Metallurgy (EACOM) : résumé Delvaux, Luc - Marot, Laurence - Degryse, Patrick ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2918)
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Egyptian and African Copper Metallurgy (EACOM) : summary Delvaux, Luc - Marot, Laurence - Degryse, Patrick ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2919)
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Strategy to evaluate health risks of air pollution episodes in vulnerable individuals : final report 2020 Nauwelaerts, Sarah - De Cremer, Koen - Bustos Sierra, Natalia ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2920)
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A Century of Pioneering Case-Law. A Digital Database of Belgian Precedents of International Justice, 1914-2014 : summary Rovetta, Ornella - Lauwers, Delphine - Vandekerckhove, Hendrick al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2921)
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Un siècle de jurisprudence pionnière. Une base de données digitales de précédents belges en matière de justice internationale, 1914-2014 : résumé Rovetta, Ornella - Lauwers, Delphine - Vandekerckhove, Hendrick ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2020 (SP2922)
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Een eeuw gangmakende jurisprudentie. Een digitale databank van Belgische precedenten in international rechtspraak, 1914-2014 : samenvatting Rovetta, Ornella - Lauwers, Delphine - Vandekerckhove, Hendrick ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2020 (SP2923)
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European Lacquer in Context. Art-historical, technological and chemical characterisation of European lacquer in federal collections (ELinC) : final report Decq, Louise - Steyaert, Delphine - Cattersel, Vincent ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2924)
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Europees Lakwerk in Context - ELinC. Kunsthistorische, technologische en chemische karakterisering van Europees lakwerk in federale collecties: samenvatting Decq, Louise - Steyaert, Delphine - Cattersel, Vincent ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2019 (SP2925)
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La laque européenne en contexte – ElinC. Caractérisation historique, technologique et chimique de la laque européenne dans les collections fédérales : résumé Decq, Louise - Steyaert, Delphine - Cattersel, Vincent ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2019 (SP2926)
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European Lacquer in Context (ELinC). Art-historical, technological and chemical characterisation of European paintwork in federal collections : summary Decq, Louise - Steyaert, Delphine - Cattersel, Vincent ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2927)
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Reconciling environmental and social goals in the transition towards a low-carbon society (SUSPENS) : final report Verbist, Gerlinde - Goedemè, Tim - Frère, Jean-Maurice ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2928)
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Reconciling environmental and social goals in the transition towards a low-carbon society (SUSPENS) : final report Verbist, Gerlinde - Goedemè, Tim - Frère, Jean-Maurice ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2929)
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Reconciling environmental and social goals in the transition towards a low-carbon society (SUSPENS) : summary Verbist, Gerlinde - Goedemè, Tim - Frère, Jean-Maurice ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2930)
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Reconciling environmental and social goals in the transition towards a low-carbon society (SUSPENS): samenvatting Verbist, Gerlinde - Goedemè, Tim - Frère, Jean-Maurice ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2020 (SP2931)
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Reconciling environmental and social goals in the transition towards a low-carbon society (SUSPENS) : résumé Verbist, Gerlinde - Goedemè, Tim - Frère, Jean-Maurice ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2020 (SP2932)
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Setting the Future Scene of e-Inclusion (IDEALiC) : final report Mariën, Ilse - Asmar, Axelle - Wauters, Chantal ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2933)
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Setting the Future Scene of e-Inclusion (IDEALiC) : annexes to final report Mariën, Ilse - Asmar, Axelle - Wauters, Chantal ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2934)
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Digitale inclusie door empowerment en autonomie tijdens de levensloop (IDEALiC)
: samenvatting
Mariën, Ilse - Asmar, Axelle - Wauters, Chantal ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2019 (SP2935)
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L'inclusion numérique par l'amélioration de l'autonomie et du pouvoir d'agir au fil du parcours de vie (IDEALIC) : résumé Mariën, Ilse - Asmar, Axelle - Wauters, Chantal ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2019 (SP2936)
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Setting the Future Scene of e-Inclusion (IDEALiC) : summary Mariën, Ilse - Asmar, Axelle - Wauters, Chantal ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2937)
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Connections/Collections: power objects and institutions in north-east Congo (1800-1960) (CONGOCONNECT) : final report Van Bockhaven, Vicky - Kibushi, Jean-Michel - Vandenbergen, Hannelore ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2942)
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Connections/Collections: power objects and institutions in north-east Congo (1800-1960) (CONGOCONNECT) : summary Van Bockhaven, Vicky - Kibushi, Jean-Michel - Vandenbergen, Hannelore ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2943)
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Connections/Collections: power objects and institutions in north-east Congo (1800-1960) (CONGOCONNECT) : résumé Van Bockhaven, Vicky - Kibushi, Jean-Michel - Vandenbergen, Hannelore ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2020 (SP2944)
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Connections/Collections: power objects and institutions in north-east Congo (1800-1960) (CONGOCONNECT: samenvatting Van Bockhaven, Vicky - Kibushi, Jean-Michel - Vandenbergen, Hannelore ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2020 (SP2945)
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New Generation of flexible public services – the geospatial case (FLEXPUB) : final report Crompvoets, Joep - Chantillon, Maxim - Simonofski, Anthony ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2948)
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New Generation of flexible public services – the geospatial case (FLEXPUB): samenvatting Crompvoets, Joep - Chantillon, Maxim - Simonofski, Anthony ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2020 (SP2949)
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New Generation of flexible public services – the geospatial case (FLEXPUB) : résumé Crompvoets, Joep - Chantillon, Maxim - Simonofski, Anthony ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2020 (SP2950)
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New Generation of flexible public services – the geospatial case (FLEXPUB) : summary Crompvoets, Joep - Chantillon, Maxim - Simonofski, Anthony ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2951)
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Belgian homogenized long-term reference climate time series (BEL-HORNET) final report Bertrand, Cédric - Vràbei, Vladimir - Delvaux, Charles ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2018 (SP2953)
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Climate change impacts on Arctic soil and lake microbiomes (CLIMARCTIC) : final report Verleyen, Elie  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2954)
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Connectivity of green and blue infrastructures: living veins for biodiverse and healthy cities (BIOVEINS-BE) : final report Samson, Roeland  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2955)
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Connectivity patterns and processes along a gradient of European landscapes with woody vegetation and spatial heterogeneity (WOODNET) : final report Hance, Thierry  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2956)
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Re-opening of the Bernissart Iguanodon crime scene (COLDCASE) : final report Godefroit, Pascal - Baele, Jean-Marc - Claeys, Philippe ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2957)
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Re-opening of the Bernissart Iguanodon crime scene (COLDCASE) : summary Godefroit, Pascal - Baele, Jean-Marc - Claeys, Philippe ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2958)
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Heropening van de Bernissart Iguanodon Misdaad Scene (COLDCASE) : samenvatting Godefroit, Pascal - Baele, Jean-Marc - Claeys, Philippe ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2020 (SP2959)
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Ré-ouverture de la scène de crime des Iguanodons de Bernissart (COLDCASE) : résumé Godefroit, Pascal - Baele, Jean-Marc - Claeys, Philippe ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2020 (SP2960)
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REstoration and prognosis of PEAT formation in fens linking diversity in plant functional traits to soil biological and biogeochemical processes (REPEAT-BE) : final report Kotovski, Viktor  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2961)
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Interdisciplinary exploitation of the federal Herbarium and Xylarium for tropical forest management (HERBAXYLAREDD) : final report Deklerck, Victor - Vanden Abeele, Samuel - Fayolle, Adeline... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2963)
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Interdisciplinary exploitation of the federal Herbarium and Xylarium for tropical forest management (HERBAXYLAREDD) : summary Deklerck, Victor - Vanden Abeele, Samuel - Fayolle, Adeline... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2964)
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Interdisciplinary exploitation of the federal Herbarium and Xylarium for tropical forest management (HERBAXYLAREDD) : samenvatting Deklerck, Victor - Vanden Abeele, Samuel - Fayolle, Adeline ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2020 (SP2965)
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Interdisciplinary exploitation of the federal Herbarium and Xylarium for tropical forest management (HERBAXYLAREDD : résumé Deklerck, Victor - Vanden Abeele, Samuel - Fayolle, Adeline ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2020 (SP2966)
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Interdisciplinary exploitation of the federal Herbarium and Xylarium for tropical forest management (HERBAXYLAREDD) : final report annex Deklerck, Victor - Vanden Abeele, Samuel - Fayolle, Adeline... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2020 (SP2967)
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Recognition and Resentment: Experiences and Memories of the Great War in Belgium (MEMEX WWI) : final report Warland, Geneviève - van Ypersele, Laurence  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2019 (SP2968)
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BRAIN-TRansversal Assessment of Intermodal New Strategies Trainer (BRAIN-TRAINER) : final report
Valorisation of the Brain-Trains project
Vanelslander, Thierry - Limbourg, Sabine - Verhoest, Koen ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2969)
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Behavioral and genomic aspects of cichlid speciation (GENBAS) : final report Van Steenberge, Maarten - Snoeks, Jos - Maes, Gregory ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2970)
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Behavioral and genomic aspects of cichlid speciation (GENBAS) : annex 1 to final report Van Steenberge, Maarten - Snoeks, Jos - Maes, Gregory ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2971)
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Behavioral and genomic aspects of cichlid speciation (GENBAS) : annex 2 to final report Van Steenberge, Maarten - Snoeks, Jos - Maes, Gregory ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2972)
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Behavioral and genomic aspects of cichlid speciation (GENBAS) : annex 3 to final report Van Steenberge, Maarten - Snoeks, Jos - Maes, Gregory ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2973)
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Behavioral and genomic aspects of cichlid speciation (GENBAS) : summary Van Steenberge, Maarten - Snoeks, Jos - Maes, Gregory ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2974)
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Behavioral and genomic aspects of cichlid speciation (GENBAS) : samenvatting Van Steenberge, Maarten - Snoeks, Jos - Maes, Gregory ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2021 (SP2975)
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Behavioral and genomic aspects of cichlid speciation (GENBAS) : résumé Van Steenberge, Maarten - Snoeks, Jos - Maes, Gregory ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2021 (SP2976)
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Setting the Future Scene of e-Inclusion (IDEALiC) : final report
Valorisation du projet IDEALIC
Faure, Laura - rotcorne, Périne - Vendramin, Patricia  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2977)
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Guide pour une conception inclusive des services numériques
Valorisation du projet IDEALIC
Faure, Laura - rotcorne, Périne - Vendramin, Patricia  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2021 (SP2978)
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The role of microbial biodiversity in the functioning of marine tidal flat sediments (BIO-Tide) : final report Sabbe, Koen  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2979)
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Functional connectivity and green infrastructure (FUNGREEN) : final report Kimberley, Adam  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2980)
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Understanding and Managing Urban Mycorrhizal Communities (URBANMYCOSERVE) : final report Van Geel, Maarten  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2981)
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Public Sector Innovation through Collaboration: How Individual, Organizational and Network Conditions Matter (PSI-CO) : final report Verhoest, Koen - Langbroek, Tom - Riche, Cécile ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2982)
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Living Labs WP5 (PSI-CO) Fallon, Catherine - Thiry, Aline  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2983)
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Integrated end report WP9 (PSI-CO) Riche, Cécile - Carlier, Nadège - Aubin, David ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2984)
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Managing urban Biodiversity and Green Infrastructure to increase city resilience (URBANGAIA-BE) : final report Leone, Michael - Jacobs, Sander - Carmen, Raïsa  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2985)
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Managing urban Biodiversity and Green Infrastructure to increase city resilience (URBANGAIA-BE) : summary Leone, Michael - Jacobs, Sander - Carmen, Raïsa  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2986)
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Managing urban Biodiversity and Green Infrastructure to increase city resilience (URBANGAIA-BE) : samenvatting Leone, Michael - Jacobs, Sander - Carmen, Raïsa  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2021 (SP2987)
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Integrated analytical framework for innovation through collaboration and co-creation WP1 (PSI-CO) Verhoest, Koen - Langbroek, Tom - Steen, Trui ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2988)
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Case studies about management of collaborations, individual and organizations conditions for innovation WP2&3 (PSI-CO) Langbroek,Tom - Van Dijk, Charlotte - Riche, Cécile ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2989)
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Case studies about management of collaborations, individual and organizations conditions for innovation WP2&3 (PSI-CO) Langbroek,Tom - Van Dijk, Charlotte - Riche, Cécile ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2990)
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Validation of results through international comparison and Delphi studies WP4 (PSI-CO) Fallon, Catherine - Thiry, Aline  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2991)
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Quantitative analysis: Survey on innovation through collaboration and co-creation in the federal government WP6 (PSI-CO) Verhoest, Koen - Steen, Trui - Langbroek, Tom ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2992)
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New Ways of Working and collaborative innovation WP7 (PSI-CO) Lingier, Paulien - Steen, Trui  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2993)
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Innovation Architecture WP8 (PSI-CO) Verlinden, Stéphanie - Verhoest, Koen  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP2994)
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Integrative Management of Green Infrastructures Multifunctionality, Ecosystem integrity and Ecosystem Services (IMAGINE) : final report Roche, Philip K.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3000)
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Sustainable Development and for-profit food companies: Who? What? How? Why? (SusSocEnt) : final report
Valorisation du projet FOOF4SUSTAINABLE
Hudon, M. - Michaud, J. - Solé, G.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3001)
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From policy gaps to policy innovations: strengthening the well-being and integration pathways of refugee families (REFUFAM) : state of art Vandevoordt, Robin - Desmet, Ellen - Beeckmans, Luce ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3002)
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Ageing, pension systems, fiscal sustainability and growth (BEL-Ageing) : final report Artige, Lionel - Decoster, André - Heylen, Freddy ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3003)
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Hybrid Electronic Curation, Transformation and Organization of Records (HECTOR) : final report Aranguren Celorrio, Fiona - Delforge, Antoine - Demoulin, Marie ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2020 (SP3004)
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Hybrid Electronic Curation, Transformation and Organization of Records (HECTOR) : samenvatting Aranguren Celorrio, Fiona - Delforge, Antoine - Demoulin, Marie ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2020 (SP3005)
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Hybrid Electronic Curation, Transformation and Organization of Records (HECTOR) : résumé Aranguren Celorrio, Fiona - Delforge, Antoine - Demoulin, Marie ... et al.  Bruxelles, Politique scientifique fédérale, 2020 (SP3006)
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Hybrid Electronic Curation, Transformation and Organization of Records (HECTOR) : summary Aranguren Celorrio, Fiona - Delforge, Antoine - Demoulin, Marie ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2020 (SP3007)
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Image of Immigrants in Media: Thought-provoking Effects (IM²MEDIATE) : final report Joris, Willem - De Coninck, David - Mertens, Stefan  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2020 (SP3008)
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Functional biodiversity in a Changing sedimentary Environment: Implications for biogeochemistry and food webs in a managerial setting (FACE-It) : final report Vanaverbeke, Jan - Braeckman, Ulrike - Breine, Naomi ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3009)
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Functional biodiversity in a Changing sedimentary Environment: Implications for biogeochemistry and food webs in a managerial setting (FACE-It) : summary Vanaverbeke, Jan - Braeckman, Ulrike - Breine, Naomi ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3010)
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Functionele biodiversiteit in sedimenten onderhevig aan verandering: implicaties voor de biogeochemie en voedselwebben in een management context (FACE-It) : samenvatting Vanaverbeke, Jan - Braeckman, Ulrike - Breine, Naomi ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2020 (SP3011)
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Biodiversité fonctionnelle dans un milieu sédimentaire en évolution: Répercussions sur la biogéochimie et les chaînes alimentaires dans un contexte de gestion (FACE-It) : résumé Vanaverbeke, Jan - Braeckman, Ulrike - Breine, Naomi ... et al.  Bruxelles, Politique scientifique fédérale, 2020 (SP3012)
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New Strategies for monitoring and risk assessment of Hazardous chemicals in the marine Environment with Passive Samplers (NewSTHEPS) : final report Parmentier, Koen - Adamopoulou, Argiro - Roose, Patrick ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2020 (SP3013)
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New Strategies for monitoring and risk assessment of Hazardous chemicals in the marine Environment with Passive Samplers (NewSTHEPS) : summary Parmentier, Koen - Adamopoulou, Argiro - Roose, Patrick ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2020 (SP3014)
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New Strategies for monitoring and risk assessment of Hazardous chemicals in the marine Environment with Passive Samplers (NewSTHEPS) : samenvatting Parmentier, Koen - Adamopoulou, Argiro - Roose, Patrick ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2020 (SP3015)
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New Strategies for monitoring and risk assessment of Hazardous chemicals in the marine Environment with Passive Samplers (NewSTHEPS) : résumé Parmentier, Koen - Adamopoulou, Argiro - Roose, Patrick ... et al.  Bruxelles, Politique scientifique fédérale, 2020 (SP3016)
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’origine des faunes modernes d’Europe au travers des collections du Paléogène d’Afrique (PalEurAfrica) : résumé Smith, Thierry - De Putter, Thierry - Louwye, Stephen ... et al.  Bruxelles, Politique scientifique fédérale, 2021 (SP3023)
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Origin of the European modern faunas through Palaeogene Central Africa collections (PalEurAfrica) : summary Smith, Thierry - De Putter, Thierry - Louwye, Stephen ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3024)
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Outcast or Embraced? Clusters of Foreign Immigrants in Belgium, c. 1840-1890 (IMMIBEL) : final report Feys, Torsten - Bertrams, Kenneth - Da Silva Pereira, Natalia ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3025)
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Effectiveness of methods against rising damp in buildings: European practice and perspective (EMERISDA-BE) : final report Vanhellemont, Yves - Lubelli, Barbara - vanees, Rob ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2020 (SP3026)
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Understanding the Mechanisms, Nature, Magnitude and Impact of Sexual Violence in Belgium (UN-MENAMAIS) : final report Keygnaert, Ines - De Shrijver, L. - Cismaru Inescu, A. ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3027)
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UN-MENAMAIS Policy recommendations : Annex I Keygnaert, Ines - De Shrijver, L. - Cismaru Inescu, A. ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3028)
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Sensitization scripts following the Café Dialogue : Annex II (UN-MENAMAIS) Keygnaert, Ines - De Shrijver, L. - Cismaru Inescu, A. ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3029)
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Press release : Annex III (UN-MENAMAIS) Keygnaert, Ines - De Shrijver, L. - Cismaru Inescu, A. ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3030)
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Topic list in-depth interviews : Annex IV (UN-MENAMAIS) Keygnaert, Ines - De Shrijver, L. - Cismaru Inescu, A. ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3031)
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Principaux résultats et recommandations pour la prévention et la réponse aux violences sexuelles en Belgique (15 juin 2021) : l'étude UN-MENAMAIS Keygnaert, Ines - De Shrijver, L. - Cismaru Inescu, A. ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2021 (SP3032)
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Understanding the Mechanisms, Nature, Magnitude and Impact of Sexual Violence in Belgium (UN-MENAMAIS) : summary Keygnaert, Ines - De Shrijver, L. - Cismaru Inescu, A. ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3033)
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Understanding the Mechanisms, Nature, Magnitude and Impact of Sexual Violence in Belgium (UN-MENAMAIS) : samenvatting Keygnaert, Ines - De Shrijver, L. - Cismaru Inescu, A. ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2021 (SP3034)
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Understanding the Mechanisms, Nature, Magnitude and Impact of Sexual Violence in Belgium (UN-MENAMAIS) : résumé Keygnaert, Ines - De Shrijver, L. - Cismaru Inescu, A. ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2021 (SP3035)
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Assessing spatio-temporal relationships between respiratory health and biodiversity using individual wearable technology (RespirIT) : final report Aerts, Raf - Bruffaerts, Nicolas - Dockx, Yinthe ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3036)
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TRojan snAILs: the role of gastropod snails in disease transmission revealed by state-of-the-art molecular techniques (TRAIL) : final report Hammoud, Cyril - Huyse, Tine  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3037)
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Source attribution of methane using satellite observations, isotopic measurements and GEOS-Chem simulations (SACH4) : final report Dils, B. - Langerock, B. - De Wachter, E. ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3038)
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The Belgian photonovel: the local reuse of a European cultural practice (PHOTO-LIT) : final report Baetens, Jan - Truyen, Fred - Colangelo, Clarissa ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3039)
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The Belgian photonovel: the local reuse of a European cultural practice (PHOTO-LIT) : summary Baetens, Jan - Truyen, Fred - Colangelo, Clarissa ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3040)
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The Belgian photonovel: the local reuse of a European cultural practice (PHOTO-LIT) : résumé Baetens, Jan - Truyen, Fred - Colangelo, Clarissa ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2021 (SP3041)
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The Belgian photonovel: the local reuse of a European cultural practice (PHOTO-LIT) : samenvatting Baetens, Jan - Truyen, Fred - Colangelo, Clarissa ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2021 (SP3042)
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A comparative analysis of ORganic and Conventional Agriculture’s impact on aquatic biodiversity (ORCA) : final report Lemmens, Peter - Almeida, Rafaella - Denys, Luc ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3043)
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A comparative analysis of ORganic and Conventional Agriculture’s impact on aquatic biodiversity (ORCA) : samenvatting Lemmens, Peter - Almeida, Rafaella - Denys, Luc ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2021 (SP3044)
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A comparative analysis of ORganic and Conventional Agriculture’s impact on aquatic biodiversity (ORCA) : résumé Lemmens, Peter - Almeida, Rafaella - Denys, Luc ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2021 (SP3045)
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A comparative analysis of ORganic and Conventional Agriculture’s impact on aquatic biodiversity (ORCA) :summary Lemmens, Peter - Almeida, Rafaella - Denys, Luc ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3046)
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A ‘TRANSMEMO’ Podcast about the social impact of war and occupation on family memories (TRANSMISSION) : final report
Valorisation du projet TRANSMEMO
Wouters, Nico  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3047)
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Fairer active ageing for Europe (FACTAGE) : final report Barslund, Mikkel  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3048)
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Fairer active ageing for Europe (FACTAGE) : summary Barslund, Mikkel  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3049)
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Fairer active ageing for Europe (FACTAGE) : samenvatting Barslund, Mikkel  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2021 (SP3050)
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Fairer active ageing for Europe (FACTAGE) : résumé Barslund, Mikkel  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2021 (SP3051)
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Human impacts on ecosystem health and resources of Lake Edward (Hipe) : final report Borges, Alberto - Lambert, Thibault - Descy, Jean-Pierre... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3057)
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Universal Web Interface for Interactive Pixel-Based File Formats (PIXEL+) : final report Vastenhoud, C. - Proesmans, M. - Hameeuw, H.... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3058)
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Genetic and paleoecological signatures of African rainforest dynamics: pre-adapted to change? (AFRIFORD) : final report Hardy, Olivier - Beeckman, Hans - Bourland, Nils .... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3059)
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Genetic and paleoecological signatures of African rainforest dynamics: pre-adapted to change? (AFRIFORD) : summary Hardy, Olivier - Beeckman, Hans - Bourland, Nils .... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3060)
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ExPERimental approaches towards Future Sustainable Use of North Sea Artificial HarD SubstratEs : final report (PERSUADE) Vanaverbeke, Jan - Braeckman, Ulrike - Catrrijsse, André... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP31231)
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Valorization of 70 years Solar Observations from the Royal Observatory of Belgium : final report (VAL-U-SUN) LEFEVRE, Laure - DELOUILLE, Véronique - Von Sachs, Rainer ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3125)
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Valorization of 70 years Solar Observations from the Royal Observatory of Belgium :annex part1 (VAL-U-SUN) LEFEVRE, Laure - DELOUILLE, Véronique - Von Sachs, Rainer ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3126)
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Genetische en paleoecologische aanwijzingen voor een dynamisch Afrikaans regenwoud: aanwijzingen van veerkracht na verstoring? (AFRIFORD) : samenvatting Hardy, Olivier - Beeckman, Hans - Bourland, Nils ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2021 (SP3061)
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Signatures génétiques et paléoécologiques de la dynamique de la forêt pluviale africaine : les espèces sont-elles pré-adaptées aux changements? (AFRIFORD) : résumé Hardy, Olivier - Beeckman, Hans - Bourland, Nils ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2021 (SP3062)
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Adaptation potential of biodiverse forests in the face of climate change (FORBIO Climate) : final report Ampoorter, Evy - Delvaux, Charles - De Troch, Rozemien .... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3063)
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Adaptation potential of biodiverse forests in the face of climate change (FORBIO Climate) : summary Ampoorter, Evy - Delvaux, Charles - De Troch, Rozemien .... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3064)
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Adaptatiepotentieel van biodiverse bossen in het kader van klimaatverandering (FORBIO Climate) : samenvatting Ampoorter, Evy - Delvaux, Charles - De Troch, Rozemien .... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2021 (SP3065)
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Potentiel d’adaptation de forêts diversifiées face au changement climatique (FORBIO Climate) : résumé Ampoorter, Evy - Delvaux, Charles - De Troch, Rozemien ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2021 (SP3066)
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Response of European Forests and Society to Invasive Pathogens (RESIPATH) : final report Heungens, Kurt - Chandelier, Anne  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3067)
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Response of European Forests and Society to Invasive Pathogens (RESIPATH) : summary Heungens, Kurt - Chandelier, Anne  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3068)
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Response of European Forests and Society to Invasive Pathogens (RESIPATH) : samenvatting Heungens, Kurt - Chandelier, Anne  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2021 (SP3069)
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Response of European Forests and Society to Invasive Pathogens (RESIPATH) : résumé Heungens, Kurt - Chandelier, Anne  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2021 (SP3070)
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Increasing citizen awareness of the need to report alien species (TrIAS-AWARE)
: final report
Valorization of the project TRiASAs
Groom, Quentin - Cogneau, Gilles - Jacobs, Annelies ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3071)
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Making Migration Work for Adaptation to Environmental Changes – A Belgian Appraisal (MIGRADAPT) : final report Hut, Elodie - Thibaut, Lisa - Lietar, Samuel ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3072)
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Making Migration Work for Adaptation to Environmental Changes – A Belgian Appraisal (MIGRADAPT) : summary Hut, Elodie - Thibaut, Lisa - Lietar, Samuel ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3073)
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Making Migration Work for Adaptation to Environmental Changes – A Belgian Appraisal (MIGRADAPT) : samenvatting Hut, Elodie - Thibaut, Lisa - Lietar, Samuel ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2021 (SP3074)
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Making Migration Work for Adaptation to Environmental Changes– A Belgian Appraisal (MIGRADAPT) : résumé Hut, Elodie - Thibaut, Lisa - Lietar, Samuel ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2021 (SP3075)
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Coherent Integration of climate projections into Climate ADaptation plAnning tools for BElgium ( : final report
Valorization of the project
Van Schaeybroeck, B. - Mendoza Paz, S. - Willems, P. ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3076)
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Patterns and mechanisms of climate extremes in East Africa (PAMEXEA) : final report Verschuren, Dirk - Goosse,Hugues - Mees, Floria ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3077)
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Paleo-tsunami and earthquake records of ruptures along the Nankai Trough, offshore South-Central Japan (QuakeRecNankai) : final report Fujiwara, Osamu - Yokoyama, Yusuke- Brückner, Helmut ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3078)
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Co-development of place-based Climate Services for action (CoCliServ) : final report De Ridder, Anne - Peeters, Didier  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3083)
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Co-development of place-based Climate Services for action (CoCliServ) : summary De Ridder, Anne - Peeters, Didier  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3084)
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Co-ontwikkeling van lokale klimaatdiensten voor actie 1 (CoCliServ) : samenvatting De Ridder, Anne - Peeters, Didier  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2021 (SP3085)
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Co-développement de services climatiques locaux pour l'action 1 (CoCliServ) : résumé De Ridder, Anne - Peeters, Didier  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2021 (SP3086)
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Nature Impact on Mental Health Distribution (NAMED) : final report Lauwers, Laura - Leone, Michael - Pelgrims, Ingrid ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3087)
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Nature Impact on Mental Health Distribution (NAMED) : summary Lauwers, Laura - Leone, Michael - Pelgrims, Ingrid ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3088)
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Nature Impact on Mental Health Distribution (NAMED) : samenvatting Lauwers, Laura - Leone, Michael - Pelgrims, Ingrid ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2021 (SP3089)
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Nature Impact on Mental Health Distribution (NAMED) : résumé Lauwers, Laura - Leone, Michael - Pelgrims, Ingrid ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2021 (SP3090)
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800 Years of FENESTRAtion history. Flat glass and windows in Federal Scientific Institutes (FENESTRA) : final report Meulebroeck, Wendy - Lecocq, Isabelle - Montens, Valérie ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3091)
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800 Years of FENESTRAtion history. Flat glass and windows in Federal Scientific Institutes (FENESTRA) : summary Meulebroeck, Wendy - Lecocq, Isabelle - Montens, Valérie ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3092)
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800 Years of FENESTRAtion history. Flat glass and windows in Federal Scientific Institutes (FENESTRA) : samenvatting Meulebroeck, Wendy - Lecocq, Isabelle - Montens, Valérie ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2021 (SP3093)
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800 Years of FENESTRAtion history. Flat glass and windows in Federal Scientific Institutes (FENESTRA) : résumé Meulebroeck, Wendy - Lecocq, Isabelle - Montens, Valérie ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2021 (SP3094)
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Improving the accessibility & reusability of the AIRCHECQ deliverables to new disciplines (AIRCHECQ+) : final report
Valorisation du projet AIRCHECQ
Shalm, Olivier - Demeyer, Serge  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3095)
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Les bourdons de la Belgique : annexe 1 au rapport final
Valorisation du projet BELBEES
Rasmont, P. - Pauly, A.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédarale, 2021 (SP3096)
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Species assessementof the Red List of Belgian wild bees: annexe 2 au rapport final
Valorisation of the project BELBEES
Lambaere, Kevin - Drossart, Maxime - Tourbez, Clément ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3097)
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Belgian Red List of Bees: annexe 3 au rapport final
Valorisation of the project BELBEES
Drossart, Maxime - Rasmont, Pierre - Vanomerlingen, Pieter ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3098)
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Beyond ideological conflict: religion and freethought in the Belgian medical press, 1840-1914 (IMPRESS) : final report Gijbels, Jolien - Goyens, Michèle - Lemmers, Frédéric ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3099)
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Beyond ideological conflict: religion and freethought in the Belgian medical press, 1840-1914 (IMPRESS) : summary Gijbels, Jolien - Goyens, Michèle - Lemmers, Frédéric ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3100)
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Beyond ideological conflict: religion and freethought in the Belgian medical press, 1840-1914 (IMPRESS) : samenvatting Gijbels, Jolien - Goyens, Michèle - Lemmers, Frédéric ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2021 (SP3101)
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Beyond ideological conflict: religion and freethought in the Belgian medical press, 1840-1914 (IMPRESS) : résumé Gijbels, Jolien - Goyens, Michèle - Lemmers, Frédéric ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2021 (SP3102)
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Tracking Invasive Alien Species: Building a data driven framework to inform policy (TrIAS) : final report Groom, Quentin - Vanderhoeven, Sonia - Eggermont, Hilde ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3103)
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Outcast of omarmd? Clusters van buitenlandse immigranten in België, c. 1840-1890 (IMMIBEL) : samenvatting Feys, Torsten - Bertrams, Kenneth - Da Silva Pereira, Natalia ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2021 (SP3104)
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Exclus ou bienvenus ? Réseaux d’immigrants étrangers en Belgique, 1840-1890 (IMMIBEL) : résumé Feys, Torsten - Bertrams, Kenneth - Da Silva Pereira, Natalia ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2021 (SP3105)
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Outcast or Embraced? Clusters of Foreign Immigrants in Belgium, c. 1840-1890 (IMMIBEL) : summary Feys, Torsten - Bertrams, Kenneth - Da Silva Pereira, Natalia ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3106)
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Multi-wavelength Observations and Modelling of Aurora (MOMA) : final report Lamy, H. - Hubert, B. - Cessateur, G. ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3107)
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Multi-wavelength Observations and Modelling of Aurora (MOMA) : summary Lamy, H. - Hubert, B. - Cessateur, G. ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3108)
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Care and Income Redistributive Cycles in the Lives of Europeans (CIRCLE) : final report Verbist, Gerlinde - Goedemé, Tim - Assal, Ella-Marie ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3109)
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Care and Income Redistributive Cycles in the Lives of Europeans (CIRCLE) : summary Verbist, Gerlinde - Goedemé, Tim - Assal, Ella-Marie ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3110)
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Care and Income Redistributive Cycles in the Lives of Europeans (CIRCLE) : résumé Verbist, Gerlinde - Goedemé, Tim - Assal, Ella-Marie ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2022 (SP3111)
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Care and Income Redistributive Cycles in the Lives of Europeans (CIRCLE) : samenvatting Verbist, Gerlinde - Goedemé, Tim - Assal, Ella-Marie ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2022 (SP3112)
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Intimate Partner Violence: impact, processes, evolution and related public policies in Belgium (IPV-PRO&POL) : final report Vanneste, Charlotte - Mathieu, Valentine - Gily Coene, Sophie ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3113)
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Intimate Partner Violence: impact, processes, evolution and related public policies in Belgium (IPV-PRO&POL) : summary Vanneste, Charlotte - Mathieu, Valentine - Gily Coene, Sophie ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3114)
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Partnergeweld: impact, proces, evolutie en publiek beleid (IPV-PRO&POL) : samenvatting Vanneste, Charlotte - Mathieu, Valentine - Gily Coene, Sophie ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2022 (SP3115)
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Violences entre partenaires : impact, processus, évolution et politiques publiques (IPV-PRO&POL) : résumé Vanneste, Charlotte - Mathieu, Valentine - Gily Coene, Sophie ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2022 (SP3116)
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Banen van meteoren en hun oorsprong = Trajectoires des météores et leurs origines = Trajectories of meteors and their origin (METRO) : final report Lamy, Hervé - Bariselli, Frederico - Dias, Bruno  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3117)
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Trajectories of meteors and their origin (METRO) : summary Lamy, Hervé - Bariselli, Frederico - Dias, Bruno  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3118)
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Banen van meteoren en hun oorsprong (METRO) : samenvatting Lamy, Hervé - Bariselli, Frederico - Dias, Bruno  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2022 (SP3119)
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Trajectoires des météores et leurs origines (METRO) : résumé Lamy, Hervé - Bariselli, Frederico - Dias, Bruno  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2022 (SP3120)
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Valorization of 70 years Solar Observations from the Royal Observatory of Belgium :annex part 2 (VAL-U-SUN) LEFEVRE, Laure - DELOUILLE, Véronique - Von Sachs, Rainer ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3127)
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Valorization of 70 years Solar Observations from the Royal Observatory of Belgium : summary(VAL-U-SUN) LEFEVRE, Laure - DELOUILLE, Véronique - Von Sachs, Rainer ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3128)
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Valorization of 70 years Solar Observations from the Royal Observatory of Belgium : résumé (VAL-U-SUN) LEFEVRE, Laure - DELOUILLE, Véronique - Von Sachs, Rainer ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2022 (SP3129)
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Valorization of 70 years Solar Observations from the Royal Observatory of Belgium : samenvatting (VAL-U-SUN) LEFEVRE, Laure - DELOUILLE, Véronique - Von Sachs, Rainer ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2022 (SP3130)
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Oxygenated volatile organic Compounds in the Tropical Atmosphere: Variability and Exchanges : final report (OCTAVE) Stavrakou, Trissevgeni - Verreyken, Bert - Franco, Bruno ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3133)
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Oxygenated volatile organic Compounds in the Tropical Atmosphere: Variability and Exchanges : summary (OCTAVE) Stavrakou, Trissevgeni - Verreyken, Bert - Franco, Bruno ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3134)
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Zuurstofhoudende organische verbindingen in de tropische atmosfeer: variabiliteit en atmosfeer-biosfeer uitwisseling : samenvatting (OCTAVE) Stavrakou, Trissevgeni - Verreyken, Bert - Franco, Bruno ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2022 (SP3135)
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Composés organiques oxygénés dans l’atmosphère tropicale : variabilité et échanges atmosphère-biosphère : résumé (OCTAVE) Stavrakou, Trissevgeni - Verreyken, Bert - Franco, Bruno ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2022 (SP3136)
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Transnational Belgium & INSIGHT. Valorisation of the collections (TIC-SIGHT) : final report
Valorisation des projets TIC-BELGIUM et INSIGHT
Verbruggen, Christophe - Rousseaux, Xavier - Velle, Karel ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3137)
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Auditing Digitalization Outputs in the Cultural Heritage Sector (ADOCHS) : final report Brault, Chloé - Chardonnens, Anne - Dooms, Ann ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3138)
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Auditing Digitalization Outputs in the Cultural Heritage Sector (ADOCHS) : summary Brault, Chloé - Chardonnens, Anne - Dooms, Ann ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3139)
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Auditing Digitalization Outputs in the Cultural Heritage Sector (ADOCHS): samenvatting Brault, Chloé - Chardonnens, Anne - Dooms, Ann ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2021 (SP3140)
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Auditing Digitalization Outputs in the Cultural Heritage Sector (ADOCHS) : résumé Brault, Chloé - Chardonnens, Anne - Dooms, Ann ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 20221 (SP3141)
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Climate Information for Integrated Renewable Electricity Generation (CIREG) : final report Liersch, Stefan - Thiery, Wim - Sterl, Sebastian ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3142)
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Climate Information for Integrated Renewable Electricity Generation (CIREG) :summary Liersch, Stefan - Thiery, Wim - Sterl, Sebastian ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3143)
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Ornamenta Sacra. Iconological Study of the Liturgical Heritage from the Southern Netherlands (1400-1700) (ORNASACRA) : final report Dekoninck, Ralph - Baert, Barbara - Claes, Marie-Christine ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3144)
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Ornamenta Sacra. Iconological Study of the Liturgical Heritage from the Southern Netherlands (1400-1700) (ORNASACRA) :summary Dekoninck, Ralph - Baert, Barbara - Claes, Marie-Christine ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3145)
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Ornamenta Sacra. Iconological Study of the Liturgical Heritage from the Southern Netherlands (1400-1700) (ORNASACRA) : résumé Dekoninck, Ralph - Baert, Barbara - Claes, Marie-Christine ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 20221 (SP3146)
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Ornamenta Sacra. Iconological Study of the Liturgical Heritage from the Southern Netherlands (1400-1700) (ORNASACRA): samenvatting Dekoninck, Ralph - Baert, Barbara - Claes, Marie-Christine ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2021 (SP3147)
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Shifting the balance? Dissolved carbon fluxes from forests under future rainfall regimes (Forestflow) : final report Janssens, Ivan - Willems, Patrick - Vincke, Caroline ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3148)
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Shifting the balance? Dissolved carbon fluxes from forests under future rainfall regimes (Forestflow) : summary Janssens, Ivan - Willems, Patrick - Vincke, Caroline ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3149)
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Impacts du régime des précipitations (actuel et futur) sur les flux de carbone dissous et gazeux en forêts matures (Forestflow) : résumé Janssens, Ivan - Willems, Patrick - Vincke, Caroline ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2022 (SP3150)
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Opgeloste koolstoffluxen in bosbodems onder toekomstige regenregimes (Forestflow): samenvatting Janssens, Ivan - Willems, Patrick - Vincke, Caroline ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2022 (SP3151)
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Constraining CMEs and shocks by Observations and Modelling (CCSOM) : final report Magdalenic, Jasmina - Poedts, Stefaan - Pomoell, Jens ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3152)
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Constraining CMEs and shocks by Observations and Modelling (CCSOM) : summary Magdalenic, Jasmina - Poedts, Stefaan - Pomoell, Jens ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2021 (SP3153)
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Beperking van CME's en schokken door observaties en modellering in de hele binnenste heliosfeer (CCSOM) : samenvatting Magdalenic, Jasmina - Poedts, Stefaan - Pomoell, Jens ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2021 (SP3154)
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Constraining CMEs and Shocks by Observations and Modelling throughout the inner heliosphere (CCSOM): résumé Magdalenic, Jasmina - Poedts, Stefaan - Pomoell, Jens ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2021 (SP3155)
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Antarctic Meteorites cUratioN, Digitalization and conSErvatioN (AMUNDSEN) : final report Decrée, Sophie - Van Ginneken, Matthias - Claeys, Philippe ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3156)
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Antarctic Meteorites cUratioN, Digitalization and conSErvatioN (AMUNDSEN) : summary Decrée, Sophie - Van Ginneken, Matthias - Claeys, Philippe ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3157)
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Antarctic Meteorites cUratioN, Digitalization and conSErvatioN (AMUNDSEN) : samenvatting Decrée, Sophie - Van Ginneken, Matthias - Claeys, Philippe ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2022 (SP3158)
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Antarctic Meteorites cUratioN, Digitalization and conSErvatioN (AMUNDSEN) : résumé Decrée, Sophie - Van Ginneken, Matthias - Claeys, Philippe ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2022 (SP3159)
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Improving the Labour Market Position of People with a Migration background in Belgium (IMMIGBEL/IMMILAB) : final report Marx, Ive - Verbist, Gerlinde - Neels, Karel ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3160)
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Refugia and Ecosystem Tolerance in the Southern Ocean (RECTO) : final report Schön, Isa - Danis, Bruno - Jossart, Quentin ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3165)
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Refugia and Ecosystem Tolerance in the Southern Ocean (RECTO) :summary Schön, Isa - Danis, Bruno - Jossart, Quentin ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3166)
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Refugia and Ecosystem Tolerance in the Southern Ocean (RECTO) : samenvatting Schön, Isa - Danis, Bruno - Jossart, Quentin ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2022 (SP3167)
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Refugia and Ecosystem Tolerance in the Southern Ocean (RECTO) : résumé Schön, Isa - Danis, Bruno - Jossart, Quentin ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2022 (SP3168)
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Care, Retirement & Wellbeing of Older People Across Different Welfare Regimes (CREW)
: final report
Arpino, Bruno - Rizzi, Ester - Uccheddu, Damiano  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3169)
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Unravelling Particle Chemistry in Dronning Maud Land: from Atmosphere to Surface (CHASE) : final report Mangod, Alexander - Delcloo, Andy - Van Langenhove, Herman ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3174)
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Unravelling Particle Chemistry in Dronning Maud Land: from Atmosphere to Surface (CHASE) : summary Mangod, Alexander - Delcloo, Andy - Van Langenhove, Herman ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3175)
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Het ontrafelen van fijnstofchemie in Dronning Maud Land: van atmosfeer tot sneeuwoppervlak (CHASE) : samenvatting Mangod, Alexander - Delcloo, Andy - Van Langenhove, Herman ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2022 (SP3176)
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Caractérisation de la composition des poussières fines dans la région de Dronning Maud Land : de l’atmosphère jusqu’à la neige de surface (CHASE) : résumé Mangod, Alexander - Delcloo, Andy - Van Langenhove, Herman ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2022 (SP3177)
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Dissemination Tools for Research in Criminal Justice (D-Too) : final report Brutyn, Dani - Mahieu, Valentine - Mincke, Christophe ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3178)
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Folks, Authorities and Radicalism: between polarization and social construction (FAR) : final report Pilet, Jean-Benoît - Torrekens, Corinne - Fadil, Nadia ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2017 (SP3179)
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Folks, Authorities and Radicalism: between polarization and social construction (FAR) : summary Pilet, Jean-Benoît - Torrekens, Corinne - Fadil, Nadia ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2017 (SP3180)
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Folks, Authorities and Radicalism: between polarization and social construction (FAR) : samenvatting Pilet, Jean-Benoît - Torrekens, Corinne - Fadil, Nadia ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2017 (SP3181)
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Folks, Authorities and Radicalism: between polarization and social construction (FAR) : résumé Pilet, Jean-Benoît - Torrekens, Corinne - Fadil, Nadia ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2017 (SP3182)
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Impact Assessment of Belgian De-“Radicalisation” Policies Upon Social Cohesion and Liberties (AFFECT) : final report Kervin De Meerendre, Laure - Varga, Reka - Brion, Fabienne ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3183)
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Impact Assessment of Belgian De-“Radicalisation” Policies Upon Social Cohesion and Liberties (AFFECT) summary Kervin De Meerendre, Laure - Varga, Reka - Brion, Fabienne ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3184)
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Impact Assessment of Belgian De-“Radicalisation” Policies Upon Social Cohesion and Liberties (AFFECT) : samenvatting Kervin De Meerendre, Laure - Varga, Reka - Brion, Fabienne ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2022 (SP3185)
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Impact Assessment of Belgian De-“Radicalisation” Policies Upon Social Cohesion and Liberties (AFFECT) : résumé Kervin De Meerendre, Laure - Varga, Reka - Brion, Fabienne ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2022 (SP3186)
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Microbiome diversity and function in the Sør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica (MICROBIAN) : final report Wyverman, Wim - Tytgat, Bjorn - Savaglia, Valentina ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3192)
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Microbiome diversity and function in the Sør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica (MICROBIAN) : summary Wyverman, Wim - Tytgat, Bjorn - Savaglia, Valentina ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3193)
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Diversiteit en functie van microbiomen in het Sør Rondane Gebergte, Oost-Antarctica (MICROBIAN) : samenvatting Wyverman, Wim - Tytgat, Bjorn - Savaglia, Valentina ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2022 (SP3194)
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Diversité et fonction des microbiomes dans la région des Montagnes Sør Rondane, Antarctique oriental (MICROBIAN) : résumé Wyverman, Wim - Tytgat, Bjorn - Savaglia, Valentina ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2022 (SP3195)
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Closure of the Bernissart Iguanodon Crime Scene (CaseClosed) : final report
Valorisation project CaseClosed
Godefroit, Pascal - Baele, Jean-Marc - Stein, Koen ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3196)
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Bernissart workshop and field trip in La Malogne underground quarry : annex1 of final report
Valorisation project CaseClosed
Godefroit, Pascal - Baele, Jean-Marc - Spagna, Paul ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3197)
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The Sorrows of Belgium: WWII memories and family transmission (TRANSMEMO) : final report Aerts, Koen - Bouchat, Pierre - De Wever, Bruno ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3207)
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The Sorrows of Belgium: WWII memories and family transmission (TRANSMEMO) : summary ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3208)
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The Sorrows of Belgium: WWII memories and family transmission (TRANSMEMO) : samenvatting Aerts, Koen - Bouchat, Pierre - De Wever, Bruno... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2022 (SP3209)
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The Sorrows of Belgium: WWII memories and family transmission (TRANSMEMO) : résumé The Sorrows of Belgium: WWII memories and family transmission (TRANSMEMO) ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2022 (SP3210)
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Management and valorisation of the digitised Belgian human remains collection (NEANDERTAL-3D) : final report Chapman, Tara - Van Sint Jan, Serge - Cammaert, Laurence ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3211)
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Management and valorisation of the digitised Belgian human remains collection (NEANDERTAL-3D) : summary Chapman, Tara - Van Sint Jan, Serge - Cammaert, Laurence ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3212)
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Management and valorisation of the digitised Belgian human remains collection (NEANDERTAL-3D) : samenvatting Chapman, Tara - Van Sint Jan, Serge - Cammaert, Laurence... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2022 (SP3213)
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Management and valorisation of the digitised Belgian human remains collection (NEANDERTAL-3D) : résumé Chapman, Tara - Van Sint Jan, Serge - Cammaert, Laurence ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2022 (SP3214)
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Historical aerial Photographs and ArchiveS to assess Environmental Changes in Central Africa (PASTECA) : final report Depicker, Arthur - Odhiambo Mboga, Nicholus - Smets, Benoît ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3215)
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Historical aerial Photographs and ArchiveS to assess Environmental Changes in Central Africa (PASTECA) : summary Depicker, Arthur - Odhiambo Mboga, Nicholus - Smets, Benoît ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3216)
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Onderzoek van milieuveranderingen in Centraal Afrika op basis van historische foto’s en archieven (PASTECA) : samenvatting Depicker, Arthur - Odhiambo Mboga, Nicholus - Smets, Benoît ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2022 (SP3217)
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Utilisation des photos aériennes historiques et des archives pour l'évaluation des changements environnementaux en Afrique centrale (PASTECA) : résumé Depicker, Arthur - Odhiambo Mboga, Nicholus - Smets, Benoît ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2022 (SP3218)
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Chicxulub 2016 IODP-ICDP deep drilling: From cratering to mass extinction (CHICXULUB) : final report Claeys, Philippe - Godefroit, Pascal - Goolaerts, Stijn ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3219)
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Congo basin eco-climatological data recovery and valorisation (COBECORE) : final report Jacobsen, Kim - Hufkens, Koen - Meeus, Sofie ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3220)
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Congo basin eco-climatological data recovery and valorisation (COBECORE) : summary Jacobsen, Kim - Hufkens, Koen - Meeus, Sofie ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3221)
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Congo basin eco-climatological data recovery and valorisation (COBECORE) : samenvatting Jacobsen, Kim - Hufkens, Koen - Meeus, Sofie ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2022 (SP3222)
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Congo basin eco-climatological data recovery and valorisation (COBECORE) : résumé Jacobsen, Kim - Hufkens, Koen - Meeus, Sofie ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2022 (SP3223)
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GEotechnical and Patrimonial Archives Toolbox for ARchitectural conservation in Belgium (GEPATAR) : final report Declercq, Pierre-Yves - Verstrynge, Els - Shimoni, Michal ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2020 (SP3224)
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GEotechnical and Patrimonial Archives Toolbox for ARchitectural conservation in Belgium (GEPATAR) : summary Declercq, Pierre-Yves - Verstrynge, Els - Shimoni, Michal ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2020 (SP3225)
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GEotechnical and Patrimonial Archives Toolbox for ARchitectural conservation in Belgium (GEPATAR) : samenvatting Declercq, Pierre-Yves - Verstrynge, Els - Shimoni, Michal ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2020 (SP3226)
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GEotechnical and Patrimonial Archives Toolbox for ARchitectural conservation in Belgium (GEPATAR) : résumé Declercq, Pierre-Yves - Verstrynge, Els - Shimoni, Michal ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2020 (SP3227)
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Metal-oxalates in the 15th to 17th Century Southern Netherlandish oil paintings (METOX) : final report Mederos-Henry, Francisco  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2023 (SP3228)
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Metal-oxalates in the 15th to 17th Century Southern Netherlandish oil paintings (METOX) : summary Mederos-Henry, Francisco  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2023 (SP3229)
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Metal-oxalates in the 15th to 17th Century Southern Netherlandish oil paintings (METOX) : samenvatting Mederos-Henry, Francisco  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2023 (SP3230)
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Metal-oxalates in the 15th to 17th Century Southern Netherlandish oil paintings (METOX) : résumé Mederos-Henry, Francisco  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2023 (SP3231)
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Innovative Visual Data Management for Drawings and Prints Collections (FINGERPRINT) : final report Van Grieken, Joris - Watteeuw, Lieve - Vandermeulen, Bruno ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2020 (SP3232)
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Metagenomics of Extreme Wave Events (GEN-EX) : final report Heyvaert, Vanessa - Schön, Isa - Engel, Max ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2023 (SP3233)
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Intelligent Neural Systems as InteGrated Heritage Tools (INSIGHT) : final report Geurts, Pierre - Lasaracina, Karine - Verbruggen, Christophe ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2023 (SP3234)
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Art Technical Research and Preservation of Historical Mixed-Media Ensembles: ‘Enclosed Gardens’ (ARTGARDEN) : final report Debulpaep, Marjolijn - Otten, Elke - Watteeuw, Lieve ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2023 (SP3235)
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Art Technical Research and Preservation of Historical Mixed-Media Ensembles: ‘Enclosed Gardens’ (ARTGARDEN) : summary Debulpaep, Marjolijn - Otten, Elke - Watteeuw, Lieve ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2023 (SP3236)
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Art Technical Research and Preservation of Historical Mixed-Media Ensembles: ‘Enclosed Gardens’ (ARTGARDEN) : samenvatting Debulpaep, Marjolijn - Otten, Elke - Watteeuw, Lieve ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2023 (SP3237)
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Art Technical Research and Preservation of Historical Mixed-Media Ensembles: ‘Enclosed Gardens’ (ARTGARDEN) : résumé Debulpaep, Marjolijn - Otten, Elke - Watteeuw, Lieve ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2023 (SP3238)
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Discovering the Antarctic Basement by using moraines in blue ice fields (DIABASE) : final report Debaille, Vinciane - Thiessen, Fiona - Goderis, Steven ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2023 (SP3263)
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Discovering the Antarctic Basement by using moraines in blue ice fields (DIABASE) : summary Debaille, Vinciane - Thiessen, Fiona - Goderis, Steven ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2023 (SP3264)
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Découvrir le socle antarctique grâce aux moraines de champs de glace (DIABASE) : résumé Debaille, Vinciane - Thiessen, Fiona - Goderis, Steven ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2023 (SP3265)
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De Antarctische sokkel ontsluieren door het bemonsteren van ijsveldmorenes (DIABASE) : samenvatting Debaille, Vinciane - Thiessen, Fiona - Goderis, Steven ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2023 (SP3266)
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Belgian Antarctic Meteorites and Micrometeorites to document solar system formation and evolution (BAMM!) : final report Decrée, Sophie - Goderis, Steven - Debaille, Vinciane ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2023 (SP3267)
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Belgian Antarctic Meteorites and Micrometeorites to document solar system formation and evolution (BAMM!) : summary Decrée, Sophie - Goderis, Steven - Debaille, Vinciane ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2023 (SP3268)
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Belgian Antarctic Meteorites and Micrometeorites to document solar system formation and evolution (BAMM!) : résumé Decrée, Sophie - Goderis, Steven - Debaille, Vinciane ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2023 (SP3269)
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Belgian Antarctic Meteorites and Micrometeorites to document solar system formation and evolution (BAMM!) : samenvatting Decrée, Sophie - Goderis, Steven - Debaille, Vinciane ... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2023 (SP3270)
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Seabed CommUnity Initiative: communicating sustainability challenges of marine sand use in a changing world (Seabed4u) : final report
Valorisation du projet TILES
Van Lancker, Vera  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2023 (SP3271)
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East Antarctic surface mass balance in the Anthropocene: observations and multiscale modelling (Mass2Ant) : final report Cavitte, Marie - Dalaiden, Quentin - De Cruz, Lesley ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2023 (SP3272)
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East Antarctic surface mass balance in the Anthropocene: observations and multiscale modelling (Mass2Ant) : summary Cavitte, Marie - Dalaiden, Quentin - De Cruz, Lesley ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2023 (SP3273)
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East Antarctic surface mass balance in the Anthropocene: observations and multiscale modelling (Mass2Ant) : résumé Cavitte, Marie - Dalaiden, Quentin - De Cruz, Lesley ... et al.  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2023 (SP3274)
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East Antarctic surface mass balance in the Anthropocene: observations and multiscale modelling (Mass2Ant) : samenvatting Cavitte, Marie - Dalaiden, Quentin - De Cruz, Lesley... et al.  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2023 (SP3275)
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Profound study of Hydrous and Solvent Interactions in Cleaning Asian Lacquer (PHYSICAL) : final report Saverwyns, Steven - Veenhoven, Jonas - Mesmaeker, Delphine  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2023 (SP3290)
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Profound study of Hydrous and Solvent Interactions in Cleaning Asian Lacquer (PHYSICAL) : summary Saverwyns, Steven - Veenhoven, Jonas - Mesmaeker, Delphine... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2023 (SP3291)
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Profound study of Hydrous and Solvent Interactions in Cleaning Asian Lacquer (PHYSICAL) : samenvatting Saverwyns, Steven - Veenhoven, Jonas - Mesmaeker, Delphine  Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2023 (SP3292)
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Profound study of Hydrous and Solvent Interactions in Cleaning Asian Lacquer (PHYSICAL) : résumé Saverwyns, Steven - Veenhoven, Jonas - Mesmaeker, Delphine  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2023 (SP3293)
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Belgian Migration History for Secondary Schools (BELMHISS) : final report
Valorization of the project IMMIBEL
Debackere, Ellen - Feys, Torsten - Schepers, Marjolein ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science policy, 2022 (SP3319)
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Belspo Science Certified Quality

Dit kwaliteitslabel wordt toegekend door Wetenschapsbeleid aan onderzoeksprojecten die bij de ex-post evaluatie door een panel van buitenlandse experts een score van minstens "sufficient" (voldoende) kregen.